The body part that helps fish control its buoyancy?
What is the swim bladder?
The mechanism of feeding where a fish takes large mouthfuls of water and strains out the excess.
What is filter feeding?
Biggest bony fish
Mola Mola or Sunfish
Type of fish in Finding Nemo
Clown Fish
These are more likely to injure you than a shark
cows, coconuts, toilets, buckets, flu, room fresheners
Scientific name for the tail fin
What is the caudal fin
The way herbivores eat.
Scraping rocks and coral or grazing on plants
Biggest Cartilaginous fish
Whale Shark
Counter shading is useful for _________
Not being spotted - dark on top and light on bottom generally
What does a shark feel like?
Give an example (or two for bonus points) of a mouth shape and what it eats.
Superior - eat at the top, most likely insects
Inferior - eat at the bottom, likely algae
Terminal - other fish, omnivores
Elongated - in crevices
Beak - shelled creatures
Electrical pulses - Ampullae de Lorenzini
This type of fish was left in a sewer and grew to be much larger than we're used to
The age that fish stop growing
This allows sharks to sense temperature change and electromagnetic fields
Ampullae of Lorenzini or electroreceptor organs
The body part that covers the gills in a bony fish.
What is the operculum?
Catfish are this kind of feeder
Bottom feeders or omnivores
Lives in a lake in Ireland
Loch Ness Monster
The only fish to have eyelids
This many sharks are killed by humans a year
Two million
The body part that the most primitive fish are missing.
What are jaws?
The way fish in the deep sea lure in prey
Projecting a light
What is the largest whale?
Blue Whale
Why is this a bad question?
The fish tastebuds are here
All over their body
Sharks give birth this way
Trick: both with eggs (oviparous) and live (viviparous)!