Where was Jesus Born?
What saint if famously known for his preachings. (his tongue is the only thing left of him still intact to this day)
Saint Anthony of Padua
What officially starts every Missa?
The sign of the cross
How old was Jesus when he started his mission and how old was he when he died?
Started at 30 and died at 33
Saint Peter
What is the name of the mountain that Jesus Died?
Calvario/Calvary in Jerusalem
Which Saint did all of the following:
Was in two places at once, could see all of your sins that you wouldn't say during confession, and was hit physically every night by the devil
Padre Pio
What are the 4 gospels?
Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John
Matheus, Marcos, Lucas, Joao
How many pairs of animals did Abraham put in his arc?
It wasn't Abraham who built the Arc it was Noah...
What are all of the sacraments?
Baptism, Confession, First Communion, Confirmation, Matrimony, Order, Anointing of the sick
What was the first miracle Jesus preformed?
Water into wine at the wedding
What saint is known to be the patron of the impossible causes?
How many different Liturgic years are there?
3 years (ano A, B, C)
Who split the red sea?
What is a dogma?
Gold, incense, and myrrh
What is the name of the saint that didn't feel God's presence for over 50 years but continued to serve him through serving the poor?
Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta
How many different liturgic seasons are there? What are they?
Advent, Lent, Ordinary time, Easter, Christmas, Triduum
Which Disciple was the only one present at all times of Jesus' death and was the only one to take care of Nossa Senhora?
According to the Church was Jesus all Human or all Divine?
Jesus was completely Human and completely Divine at all times and none of these natures ever overpowered the other.
How many loafs of bread and fish were there to feed 5,000 people in the miracle of the multiplication?
5 loaves of bread and 2 fish
After a person's death what is needed in order for the church to recognize them as a Saint?
Two confirmed miracles through the intersession of that person.
Last Supper
What were the names of all 12 disciples?
Pedro, Filipe, Lucas, Matheus, Joao, Andre, Tiago, Tome, Judas Tadeu, Bartolomeu, Judas Iscariotes, Simao
There are 3 people that the bible and the Church confirms to us that never died but were ascended into heaven. Who were they?
Nossa Senhora, Elias, Enoch