What year was Amanquemack Lodge chartered?
A Scout must be First Class, have done 15 nights in the past two years, and must be approved my the Scoutmaster.
What are OA Eligibility Requirements?
6 months.
What is the time requirement between Ordeal and Brotherhood?
After two years of service
What is the time requirement for Vigil?
What year was Amangamek-Wipit Lodge chartered?
What is the Lenape word for Brotherhood?
Completion of this ceremony signifies full membership in the OA. [Hint: The answer is the title of this section...]
What is the Brotherhood Ceremony?
Approval of the National Order of the Arrow Committee
What is a requirement for Vigil Honor?
The Philadelphia Council, Boy Scouts of America.
To what council does Treasure Island Belong?
Zach Schonfeld
Who was the 2020 National OA Chief?
Firm bound in brotherhood, gather the clan That cheerful service brings to fellow man. Circle our council fire, weld tighly every link That binds us in brotherhood, Wimachtendienk.
What is the OA song?
Limited to one person for every 50 members registered with the lodge each year.
What is the yearly Vigil induction limit?
When was the OA incorporated in to the BSA?
Patrick Rooney
Who was the 2008 Northeast Region Chief?
To develop leaders, promote camping, and encourage service to others.
What is the OA's purpose?
An explanation of what the obligation means; A description of how you have been fulfilling the obligations; A description of plans for new service.
What must be included in the letter each brotherhood candidate must write to the Lodge Vice Chief for Inductions?
A triangle at the center of the arrow.
How is the Vigil Honor indicated on the Sash?
When was the OA created?
Andy Oh
Who was the 1999 National OA Vice Chief?
Whispered in the ear.
How must the admonition be passed from one member to another?
Lodge Ceremonies Committee Chair
Who is Luke Delaune?
The first Vigil Honor recipient.
Who is E. Urner Goodman?