Hobbies and Recreation
Found in Nature
Holidays Around the World
It Happened One November

The “Get Out of Jail Free” card is associated with this board game.

What is Monopoly?


This is a four-letter killer whale

What is orca? They belong to the dolphin family. We normally think of dolphins as genteel animals, but some orca feast on mammals.


This German celebration takes place in September and October.

What is Oktoberfest? Munich’s Oktoberfest is the world’s largest folk festival.


Location of the U.S. Naval base in Cuba.

What is Guantanamo Bay? At the end of the Spanish-American War, the U.S. acquired Cuba as a territory. When Cuba gained its independence three years later, it was required to sell or lease the land on which the base resides. The U.S. holds a perpetual lease that can only be broken by mutual consent.


This celebration by the Pilgrims is thought to have taken place sometime in November 1621 in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to commemorate the autumn harvest.

What is Thanksgiving? It was a three-day event and might have included wild turkey along with venison and shellfish as the main courses. The “stuffing” probably consisted of onions, nuts, and herbs. Native fruits and vegetables were served as side dishes.


This is played with kings, queens, rooks, bishops, knights, and pawns.

What is chess? The object of the game is to capture the opposing king. Did you know the game can end in a stalemate? 


These birds were once used as gas detectors in coal mines

What are canaries? This method of detecting gases ended in 1986 when it was replaced by technology.


This is the French equivalent to the U.S. Fourth of July.

What is Bastille Day? It commemorates the beginning of the French Revolution and the storming of the Bastille.


This is the common name for the Hellenic Republic.

What is Greece?


On November 12, 1954, the doors closed on this New York gateway for immigrants into the United States

What is Ellis Island? Known as the “Gateway to America,” it opened in 1892 and processed more than 12 million immigrants into the United States. During World War I, it was used as a detention facility for suspected enemies. Today, it houses a museum.


This over-50 women’s society exists “for no other purpose than to have fun with like-minded women.” You’ll see all of them wearing hats of a certain color.

What is Red Hat Society? Members dress in red and purple and wear red hats for their get-togethers


This keeps Earth in orbit and animate and inanimate matter grounded on Earth.

What is gravity? It also keeps our atmosphere from wandering off, and it keeps satellites in orbit.


Roman Catholics celebrate this feast day the day after Halloween

What is All Saints’ Day (or the Feast of All Saints)?


This group of islands off the coast of Ecuador is known for its diverse plant and animal life.

What is Galapagos? The archipelago consists of 13 major islands in the Pacific Ocean, and it’s a UNESCO World Heritage site.


On November 20, 1947, Phillip Mountbatten married this British princess.

Who is Princess Elizabeth (or Queen Elizabeth II)? Before their marriage, he was a Greek and Danish prince.


Gardeners who plant clematis, ivy, and trumpet vines expect them to do this when growing.

What is climb? They’re known as climbers, and most require stakes or trellises. Ivy will cling to most anything


Varieties of this cold or hot beverage include black, green, white, and oolong

What is tea? Each has different health benefits due to antioxidants called flavonoids.


This public holiday is celebrated the day after Christmas in the U.K. and other Commonwealth countries.

What is Boxing Day? The most common explanation of the day is that it originated as a day off for the servants. It has evolved into a day of giving to charity and/or after-Christmas sales


This warm Atlantic current starts in the Gulf of Mexico and heads to Florida before proceeding into the Atlantic Ocean.

What is Gulf Stream? Ponce de León discovered it in 1513, and Benjamin Franklin named it in 1770.


On November 26, 1942, this World War II film starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman opened in New York City theaters

What is Casablanca? It was nominated for eight Academy Awards and walked away with three awards, including Best Picture. It’s the movie for which the two stars are most fondly remembered.


This is another name for table tennis

What is ping-pong?


This mammal has the longest gestation period.

What is elephant? Their gestation period is around 95 weeks, versus the human gestation period of 40 weeks


Canada Day was originally called this

What is Dominion Day? The first day of July was officially sanctioned as Dominion Day in 1879. It became Canada Day in 1982 and celebrates the anniversary of the confederation. It is celebrated much the same way the United States celebrates the Fourth of July.


This strait is named for a 2.6-square-mile British territory that connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

What is the Strait of Gibraltar?


On November 29, 1929, American explorer and former World War I pilot Richard Byrd made the historic, first-ever flight over this pole.

What is the South Pole? The round-trip journey from Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf took 18 hours and 41 minutes. He also claims to have flown over the North Pole in 1926.
