Where is the Oasis at Oasis?
There is none.
Who are the two therapists at Oasis?
Ms. Mariah and Mr. Richard
What are all of the phases of Oasis?
Orientation, Commitment, Change 1, Change 2, Transition
Visitation is on what day & time?
Saturday's from 11AM-12PM (noon).
What are all 4 stages of addiction?
Use, Misuse, Abuse, Dependency
What things should I use to help me calm down?
Coping skills
Who is the behavior tech man present during the day?
Mr. Chris
What should you bring/write for every treatment team?
Treatment team staffing essay.
Recite the serenity prayer.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
What stage do you first get to do home passes and what do you do first when you come back from a home pass?
Change II, you get searched, and drug screened.
How many pebbles are in the water fountain?
Zero. If you said a number you just snitched on yourself.
Who is the Nurse at Oasis?
Ms. Kim
Who should you be most afraid of during Treatment team?
Ms. Maggie
What are the three program philosophies?
“How I think determines how I feel which determines how I act”.
“I am responsible for my successes and for my failures".
“I alone can do it, but I can’t do it alone”.
What is the third stage of change and what does it mean?
Preparation - It's when people know they have a problem needing to be changed, and they are seeking out help to change. They are preparing for change.
What angle should you hold your toothbrush at when you brush your teeth?
45-degree angle or angled arm.
Who is the admissions intake person for Oasis?
Ms. Maggie
Describe an action reports and change behavior reports.
Action report is for behaviors that go beyond the standard expectations for your daily routine. Change behavior report is for negative behaviors/incidents that violate the community or program guidelines.
Name 3 group rules.
Respect shown to all
One person talks at a time
Avoid abusive language
Sit up straight, feet remain on floor
No threats or violence
All issues remain in group
No eating in group
Which of these are not considered contraband for Oasis?
Money in your room or cottage
Food items in room
Non-alcohol based mouth wash
Notes written between clients
Non-alcohol based mouth wash
Who is responsible for you at Oasis?
YOU (the client)
Whose office do you NOT want to step into?
Ms. Tanya
What question should you ask each time you are the end of your treatment team?
May I phase up to ___?
Name 3 purposes of groups
Open Communication
Learn to trust
Talk about problems and solutions
Express feelings appropriately
Giving and receiving feedback
Work on making eye contact
What stage of change is this:
People successfully avoid any return to bad habits. They are not tempted to go backwards. The goal is to keep new behavior as “normal’ behavior. Although you may have thoughts of doing some of the old things you used to, you resist the temptation and move on.
Maintenance Stage