sexual activity allowed
Sexual intercourse can safely be resumed by the 2nd to 4th week after birth, when bleeding has stopped, and the perineum has healed. OTC lubricants may be needed during the first 6 weeks to 6 months.
crying baby
can be due to hungry, tired, diaper change, pain/illness, stressed/overstimulated. Comfort!!!
body surface goes to cooler surface not direct contact by in proximity intervention: keep crib away from window
Mongolian spots
bluish black areas of pigmentation most commonly found on back and buttocks.
What is a PKU
A heating pouch is applied to the babies heel to warm it, a heel stick is performed, blood spots must be placed on filter correctly and in correct order. After all the drops are collected the sheet must dry for 3 hours before being sent off for testing.
adequate fluids and nutrition are important to promote healing. Eat a well balanced diet high in protein, fiber, and calcium.
good feeding
rhythmic suckling, audible swallowing, baby is relaxed, 3 bowel movements in 24 hours by day 5, baby is steadily gaining weight, mom relaxed, nipples don't hurt after latch
liquid is converted to vapor intervention: dry infant after birth, replace wet towels with dry towels
Telangiectatic Nevi
"Stork Bites" - pink and easily blanched. Found on upper eyelids, nose, upper lip, lower occipital area, and nape of the neck
what defines a true apneic episode
respiration break for 20 sec or longer
nothing heavier than the car seat with baby in it & no driving until 1-2 weeks or until it would not be painful to do so.
blanket in diamond shape with top point folded down a little, baby's shoulders at top of fold, take left point across baby and tuck, take bottom point up and tuck into fold created by previous step, and finally take right point and wrap over and under
largest loss of heat & what keeps them warm
head & brown fat
erythema toxicum
"Newborn Rash" is an inflammatory response during the first 3 weeks requiring no treatment.
PKU must be performed within how many hours?
24 hr
warm compress before feeding then after want cold compress or cabbage.
wash baby hands, face, and neck frequently and thoroughly clean the diaper area after each change. Sponge baths until the umbilical cord falls off and circumcision heals. Nail care- should not cut but use a clean non metal file to smooth the edges.
body surface to cooler air intervention: wrap newborn, keep nursery warm, apply hat to baby
nevus Flammeus
"Port- Wine Stain" - is red to purple and various sizes, shapes, and location.
car seat testing
Performed to make sure the infant doesn't show signs of stress.
no alcohol or caffeine & continue to take prenatal the first 6 weeks
safe sleeping
baby on their back on a firm surface with nothing in space (no pillows/blankets/stuffed animals), no smoking around baby, no co-sleeping, watch room temp.
warmer to cooler surface in direct contact intervention: radient warmer, warm crib, skin to skin
Nevus Vascularis
Strawberry" hemangioma is a raised, sharply demarcated, bright red or dark red, rough-surfaced swelling.
What is the criteria for bronchopulmonary dysplasia?
Conditions in which the newborn becomes oxygen dependent past 36 weeks of gestation
S/S: Inability to wean off oxygen completely