The triad for pre-eclampsia?
The amount of blood loss to be considered a hemorrhage in vaginal delivery
-500 mL vaginal
-1000 mL C/S
What timeframe should a mother get swabbed for GBS
35-37 weeks
Define a cord prolapse
-Amniotic sac breaks and the umbilical cord slips through the cervix before the baby
The steps of the nursing process
Pre-eclampsia tends to occur after how many weeks?
20 weeks
Name one of the 4 Causes of a PPH "Think 4 T's"
-Tone-uterine atony
-Trauma-laceration and hematoma
-Tissue-retained placenta
Possible complications for a newborn that are delivered to an untreated GBS positive mother
When can manual support of the presenting part be discontinued
When presenting part is lifted off of the cord in the C/S
Name a breastfeeding hold
-Cross cradle
Name a risk factor of pre-eclampsia
-previous pre-eclampsia
-Family History
-Pre-existing hypertension
Methergine(Methylergonovine) is contraindicated in patients with
elevated BP
Antibiotic given to mothers that are GBS positive
The common fetal heart tone pattern associated with
a cord prolapse
-Variable decelerations
You're assessing the one minute APGAR score of a newborn baby. On assessment, you note the following about your newborn patient: flexion of the arms and legs and active movement, heart rate 130, cries when stimulated, pink body and hands with cyanotic feet, and respirations are slow and irregular with a weak cry. What is your patient's APGAR score?
The antidote for Magnesium Sulfate
Calcium gluconate
Hemabate (carboprast) should be avoided in patients with
What is
-Risk for infection
-Deficient knowledge
The name of the maneuver that is used first in a shoulder dystocia
McRoberts maneuver
A newborn's one minute APGAR score is 8. Which of the following nursing interventions will you provide to this newborn?
Routine newborn care. This is a normal finding
HELLP stands for?
-Hemolysis(RBC broken down) anemia
-Liver enzymes-Liver function compromised (ALT and AST)
-Platelet count-risk for bleeding
An appropriate care plan for a patient with a PPH
-Risk for bleeding
-Risk for infection
-Risk for altered parent-infant attachment
The formula used to predict sepsis in the newborn utilizing information from the infant's CBC?
-I/T Ratio
The clinical sign of a shoulder dystocia
The turtle sign
Upon assessment, the patient's bladder is deviated to the right with moderate lochia. What intervention should the nurse perform?
Have patient empty bladder and reassess