Before Conception
Family Planning
Conditions Occurring Before L&D + During Pregnancy
Genetics,Conception, Fetal Development

Menstrual Cycle

1)the hypothalamus releases gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GNRH)

2)GNRH causes the pituitary to make follicl-e Stimulating hormone (FSH) + Luteinizing hormone (LH)

3)FSH+ It tell the ovaries to make a mature egg by increasing the production of estrogen

4)the empty follicle (corpus Interm) increases estrogen + progesterone production , which help to thicken the lining of the uterus

5)if embryo implants, it makes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

6)If embryo doesn't implant negative hCG causes estrogen + progesterone to decrease + bleeding (period)










Barrier Conception

- male condoms are generally less effective as contraception but are the best protection against STIS

~ 18% failure rate over 1 year


embryonic Stage (weeks 2-8) :

· Implantation occurs by the end of the week2
· neural tube fuses at the center + tubular heart begins to beat in week 3


pregnancy occurring outside the uterus often the fallopian tube, pregnancy occurring
- life-threatening for mom, must not be continued

- signs include severe pelvic pain that may refer to one shoulder + bleeding

What is Ectopic Pregnancy? 



addresses all genes + their interrelationships to identify their combined influence on the organism



Confirming Pregnancy

-presumptive pregnancy symptoms include breast tenderness , amenorrhea, + nausea

-probable pregnancy signs are braxton hicks contractions, positive pregnancy test , softening of the cervix (goodell sign), + a blueish discoloration of the female genitalia (chadwick sign)


- lack of pregnancy after 12 months of well-timed intercourse(6months if pt is over 35yld)

- can be related to male or female factors

· immature sperm, endometriosis fibroids


What is Infertility?


dark line from pubic Symphysis to fundus





What is linea nigra? 




Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM)



- preterm rupture of membranes (PROM) is the rupture of membranes prior to the start of contractions at or after 37wKs

· water breaks but no contractions

increases the risk of prolapsed cord, placental abruption, chorioamnionitis, cord compression



- toxic to growth + development of baby
- include drugs alcohol TORCH infections STIS
- first 8 wks of gestation are when the fetus is most vulnerable to the effects of teratogens since major organs are forming



G: number of pregnancies someone has had 

P: number of pregnancies carried to viable gestational age (-20-24 weeks)
- 1 living child (39 uks) + twins + 1 abortion (21lks)= G3P3




artificial reproductive technology (ART)

 helps treat male,female, mixed, or unknown infertility
· intrauterine insemination washes sperm + inserts it in to upper uterine cavity
· in vitro fertilization (IVF) stimulates ovaries to retrieve eggs , which get mixed with cleaned sperm


- temporary organ acting as circulatory interface between mom + embryo/fetus

- forms at site of blastocyst implantation 

- attaches with projections called chorionic villi



What is Placenta?


Hyperemesis Gravidarum



- HG is characterized by unusually acute nausea + vomiting

- may lead to weight loss malnutrition dehydration, Ketonuria electrolyte imbalances

- treated with antiemetics IV rehydration parenteral electrolytes

- risk factors are multiple pregnancy hyperthyroidism, GI disease, depression + anxiety, female fetus





allows for early detection of genetic disorders (ex: down syndrome)



What is prenatal testing?  



- G: gravida, the number of pregnancies a person has had · includes live + not live births (all pregnancie)

- T: number of pregnancies ended at term (37+weeks)

- P: number of pregnancies ended preterm (20-37 weeks)

- A: number of pregnancies ended by spontaneous or elective abortion before 20 weeks

- L: number of living children (born alive
- 1 living child (39wKS)+ 1 miscarriage (9wKs)= G2T1POA1L1 

- 1 living child (38wKs)+ twins (24 wKs) = G2T1P1AOL3




Natural Family Planning

- relies on predictability of fertility in menstrual cycle
- ex : cervical secretions , symptothermal, symptohormonal




Fetal Stages weeks 13-16

-oogenesis established in females, blood vessels visible under skin, ridges that will form in the finger, hand, foot, +toe prints present







- excessive amniotic fluid
- cause is unknown , r/t diabetes, or twin transfusion - associated with poor outcome for fetus + mom including preterm labor birth defects hemorrhage

- diagnosed by ultrasound of 4 largest pockets of fluid + they get added together to get amniotic fluid 

index (AFI) + values = 24 cm are abnormal


naegele's rule

estimated due date 

last menstrual period (day1)+ 7 days-3mos + 1yr







- creation of gametes through meiosis
- number of chromosomes in melosis is reduced from diploid (46) to haploid (23 chromosomes, one set) - females are born with 1-2 million oocytes

- male spermatogenesis starts at puberty



only pills (POPs) only have progestin

· given to pts when estrogen is contraindicated 

-> migraine with aura HTN smokers    

· take within a 3-hour window to be effective




Endocrine Changes 

- at 12 weeks fetus makes its own thyroid hormones

- thyroid hormones are critical for neurologic development




when fetal blood vessels (umbilical cord) overlie

Cervical OS



What is Vasa Previa?


Bonus points if you can name the 3 types!!



used to detect genetic changes in embryos created using assistive reproduction technology (IVF)



What is Preimplantation Testing? 
