Newborn Complications / Substance
Sexually Transmitted Infections

What is Nagele's rule used for in obstetrics?

A) Estimating the expected date of delivery (EDD)
B) Calculating the risk of neural tube defects
C) Determining the level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
D) Assessing the viability of a pregnancy

A) Estimating the expected date of delivery (EDD)


What distinguishes true labor from false labor?

A) Irregular contractions with cervical changes
B) Regular contractions with no cervical changes
C) Regular contractions with cervical changes
D) Irregular contractions with no cervical changes

C) Regular contractions with cervical changes


Which condition is characterized by a breathing disorder in newborns caused by immature lungs, primarily affecting neonates born 6 weeks or more before their due date?

A) Kernicterus
B) Sepsis
C) Respiratory Distress Syndrome
D) Transient Tachypnea

C) Respiratory Distress Syndrome


Which sexually transmitted infection (STI) is associated with the appearance of soft gray or pink cauliflower-like lesions in the genital area?

A) Trichomoniasis
B) Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
C) Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
D) Bacterial Vaginosis

C) Human Papillomavirus (HPV)


Which medication is administered after delivery of the placenta during the fourth stage of labor to help prevent postpartum hemorrhage and stimulate uterine contractions?

A) Betamethasone
B) Nifedipine
C) Hepatitis B Vaccine
D) Oxytocin

D) Oxytocin


Which parameter is included in the GTPAL system to describe a woman's obstetric history?

A) Number of pregnancies
B) Number of living children
C) Number of genetic screenings
D) Number of prenatal visits

A) Number of pregnancies


What is the primary nursing action during the active phase of the first stage of labor?

A) Administer pain relief medication
B) Perform fetal monitoring
C) Encourage ambulation
D) Assess cervical dilation

D) Assess cervical dilation


What is a potential irreversible consequence of kernicterus in newborns?

A) Hypoglycemia
B) Respiratory acidosis
C) Permanent impaired neurological function
D) Increased muscle tone

C) Permanent impaired neurological function


What is a primary characteristic symptom of trichomoniasis?

A) Vaginal discharge with a fishy odor
B) Painful vesicles on the genital area
C) Yellow-green, frothy discharge
D) Painful intercourse

C) Yellow-green, frothy discharge


What is the primary indication for administering Betamethasone during pregnancy?

A) Promotion of fetal lung maturity
B) Prevention of rubella transmission
C) Prevention of opthalmia neonatorum
D) Relief of pain associated with birth

A) Promotion of fetal lung maturity


What is the primary purpose of amniocentesis during pregnancy?

A) To assess fetal lung maturity
B) To detect genetic abnormalities
C) To monitor fetal growth
D) To determine fetal position

B) To detect genetic abnormalities


Which method is used to assess the readiness of the cervix for labor induction?

A) Fetal fibronectin (FFN) test
B) Amniotomy
C) Bishop score
D) Augmentation of labor

C) Bishop score


Which risk factor is associated with transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN)?

A) Multiple gestation
B) Physiologic jaundice
C) Poor feeding
D) Bacterial infection

A) Multiple gestation


Which STI can cause skin eruptions on the palms and feet during its secondary stage?

A) Chlamydia
B) Gonorrhea
C) Syphilis
D) Bacterial Vaginosis

C) Syphilis


Which medication is an antidote for magnesium toxicity and is administered if a patient exhibits signs of magnesium toxicity?

A) Calcium gluconate
B) Misoprostol
C) Hepatitis B Vaccine
D) Vitamin K

A) Calcium gluconate


Group B Streptococcus (GBS) screening is typically performed during which gestational period?

A) First trimester
B) Second trimester
C) Third trimester
D) Postpartum period

C) Third trimester


What is the definition of preterm labor?

A) Onset of labor at 38 weeks gestation
B) Regular uterine contractions with cervical changes between 20 and 37 weeks gestation
C) Onset of labor at 42 weeks gestation
D) Irregular contractions with no cervical changes

B) Regular uterine contractions with cervical changes between 20 and 37 weeks gestation


Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) is primarily associated with the use or abuse of:

A) Alcohol
B) Nicotine
D) Opiates

D) Opiates


What is the recommended treatment for Chlamydia infection in pregnant women?

A) Metronidazole
B) Azithromycin
C) Penicillin G
D) Doxycycline

B) Azithromycin


Which medication is used to control postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony but is contraindicated in patients with asthma due to its potential to cause bronchospasms?

A) Hemabate
B) Indomethacin
C) RhoGam
D) Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment

A) Hemabate


Which sign of pregnancy is classified as a positive sign?

A) Chadwick's sign
B) Hegar's sign
C) Positive pregnancy test
D) Goodell's sign

C) Positive pregnancy test


Which condition is characterized by an abnormally high level of amniotic fluid?

A) Oligohydramnios
B) Polyhydramnios
C) Hydramnios
D) Preterm labor

B) Polyhydramnios


What is a recommended intervention for managing neonatal withdrawal symptoms related to substance abuse?

A) Increased sensory stimulation
B) Administration of low-calorie formula
C) Dimmed lights and quiet environment
D) Avoidance of small frequent feedings

C) Dimmed lights and quiet environment


Which STI can lead to stillbirth, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and preterm birth if left untreated during pregnancy?

A) Gonorrhea
B) Trichomoniasis
C) Chlamydia
D) Syphilis

D) Syphilis


Which tocolytic drug is used to stop uterine contractions and is usually only intended to delay delivery rather than prevent it?

A) Terbutaline
B) Methylergonovine
C) Prepidil
D) Rubella Vaccine

A) Terbutaline
