Fetal Complications
Postpartum Complications
Patient Monitoring
Patient Teaching

primary cause of hyperbilirubinemia; d/t Rh or ABO incompatibility. Jaundice occurs in 24 hrs; bilirubin increases, reticulocytes increase, TX- phototherapy (cover eyes and genitals)

What is hemolytic disease of newborn

marked hypotonia of the uterus. caused by overstretching of the uterus. Causes are: macrosomnia, multi-fetal pregnancy, high parity, polyhydraminos, traumatic birth, halothane use, mag sulfate, rapid or prolonged labor, use of oxytocin, hx leading cause of early PPH
What is uterine atony
While assessing a primipara during the immediate postpartum period, the nurse in charge plans to use both hands to assess the fundus to:
prevent uterine inversion
Nurse Julia plans to instruct the postpartum client about methods to prevent breast engorgement. What should the nurse include in this teaching:
to prevent engorgement, the client should provide frequent feedings to the infant
A patient with PIH probably exhibits what symptoms
proteinuria, headache, and visual changes.
A cephalohematoma in the newborn infant has what characteristics?
it does not cross suture lines
infection of the lining of the uterus
A client who is admitted to L&D has the following findings gravida 2, para 1, estimated 40 weeks gestation, contractions 2 mins apart, lasting 45 seconds, +4 station. What is the nurse's priority at this time:
preparing the client for an immediate delivery
A pregnant client asks the nurse Kate if she can take castor oil for constipation. What is the best response of the nurse:
No, castor oil can initiate premature uterine contractions
safe means of meeting the nutritional requirements of infants who are unable to feed orally. Usually by nasogastric tube
gavage feeding
When assessing the FHR tracing, the nurse becomes concerned about the FHR pattern. In response to loss of variability, the nurse repositions the client to her left side and administers oxygen. These actions will likely improve what condition
Fetal hypoxia
While the postpartum client is receiving heparin for thrombophlebitis; what drug would the nurse Mica expect to administer if the client develops complications related to heparin therapy
protamine sulfate
What method is used to determine the LMP:
Nagele's Rule- subtract 3 months, add 7 days
After 3 days of breast-feeding, a postpartal patient reports nipple soreness. To relieve this discomfort, the nurse should instruct the patient to:
lubricate her nipples with expressed milk before feeding
Toxoplasmosis- cat litter Other-gonorrhea, syphilis (copper palms), varicella, hep B, HPV, HIV Rubella- German measles Cytomegalovirus Herpes Simplex Each disease may be teratogenic, cross placenta, effect on fetus depends on developmental stage at time of exposure
The charge nurse is reviewing a patient's prenatal history. She notes that the pt has had a child with cystic fibrosis. What risk is a concern for the fetus?
fetus is at high risk for developing the same genetic abnormality.
After administering bethanechol to a pt with urine retention, the nurse in charge monitors the pt for adverse effects. What is most likely to occur:
nausea and vomiting
A pregnant woman is close to giving birth. Examination should that the FHR is 90bpm. What is the best action of the nurse:
Contact the HCP. FHR should be 110bpm minimum
After teaching a pregnant woman who is in labor about the purpose of the episiotomy, what purpose stated by the client would indicate to the nurse that teaching was effective:
Episiotomy prevents the perineum from tearing.
indicative of nonreassuring fetal status
meconium stained amniotic fluid
Newborn diagnosed with omphalocele. The mother doesn't understand what is wrong with the neonate. The nurse's best response is?
Omphalocele is a protrusion in intraabdominal viscera into the base on the umbilical cord. Fixed surgically.
A Rh-negative mother who has given birth to a Rh-positive infant and has no evidence of sensitization, what should be administered:
Rh immune globulin (Rhogam) within 72 hours of delivery.
An 18-year- old woman comes to the physician's office for a routine prenatal checkup at 34 weeks gestation. Abdominal palpation reveals the fetal position as right occipital anterior (ROA). At what site would the nurse expect to find fetal heart tone:
below the umbilicus, on the mother's right side
What is priority teaching for a patient taking oral contraceptives and antibiotics
an alternate method of birth control is needed when taking antibiotics.
Necrotizing Enterocolitis- an acute inflammatory disease of the GI mucosa, commonly complicated by perforation. Disease manifests in what ways:
decreased activity hypotonia pallor recurrent apnea bradycardia decreased O2 sat respiratory distress metabolic acidosis oliguria hypotension decreased perfusion temp instability cyanosis abd distention grossly bloody stools