Clinical Presentation
Pharmaceutical Options

List 3 SDOH. Provide one way of how it may relate to obesity.

Income and social status, Employment and working conditions, Education and literacy, Childhood experiences, Physical environments, Social supports and coping skills, Healthy behaviours, Access to health services, Biology and genetic endowment, Gender, Culture, Race / Racism

There is a significant association between obesity and SDOH

In urban areas, obesity is high in low socioeconomic status (SES) neightbourhoods.

Access to physical activity facilities and affordable healthy foods influence obesity risk

Obesity rates are low in immigrants (17%) compared to non-immigrants (30%)

Indigenous populations face a significant obesity burden

On reserve has obesity rates of 30-51% compared to off-reserve rates of 21-42%


Provide 1 statistic related to obesity in Canada

obesity rates have increased threefold since 1985

Severe obesity (BMI > 40) has quadrupuled

Approximately one in four Canadian adults are obese, Of children and youth aged six to 17, 8.6% are obese.

The economic costs of obesity are estimated at $4.6 billion 

Factors that influence obesity include physical activity, diet, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, immigration, and environmental factors.


List 5 classes of medications related to drug-induced obesity.

Antipsychotics, Antidepressants, Anti-Hyperglycemic (Insulin, sulfonylureas), Steroids, Combined oral contraceptives


What are tools (3) to estimate and classify obesity? 

  • Body mass index (BMI) classification
  • Waist circumference
  • Edmonton Obesity Staging System

What is a common contraindication found in drugs used for obesity management?

• Pregnancy, conception attempts, breastfeeding.


What resource would you use to find obesity and bariatric care programs?


Define obesity. Why is it important?

Obesity is a global epidemic characterized by excess body fat

It is a chronic medical disease associated with an increased risk in mortality and several chronic conditions


What do we look for in clinical presentation? List at least 3.

  • Elevated BMI/waist circumference
  • Requiring a larger size in clothes
  • Changes in physical appearance
  • Weight increase
  • Comorbidities

What laboratory investigations are used as needed? List 4.

Laboratory investigations as needed:

  • Fasting blood glucose level
  • Lipid profile
  • Cholesterol (LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol,
  • triglycerides)
  • Blood pressure
  • Screen for gout (e.g. uric acid level)
  • Liver enzymes
  • Amylase/Lipase
  • Urinalysis

List at least 7 drugs that can be used in obesity management (on-label and off-label)

On label: Orlistat (Xenical), Bupropion/naltrexone (Contrave), Semaglutide (Wegovy), Liraglutide (Saxenda)

Off-label: tirzepatide (Mounjaro), Metformin, Buproprion, Fluoxetine, Topiramate


What is first-line therapy for obesity?



Lifestyle modifications


Define weight bias.

Patients with obesity often encounter blame in a healthcare system as a personal or moral failing.

Patients facing weight bias in health care may delay or avoid medical care due to internalized weight stigma.


What comorbidities are associated with obesity? List at least 7.

Comorbidities (Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary artery disease, stroke, sleep apnea, certain cancers, osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease, difficulty breathing,depression, gout, poor self-image, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)


What stages of Edmonton Obesity Staging System is this patient?

An 52M with a BMI of 33 kg/m^2 who has established hypertension and borderline dyslipidemia.

Assess patients’ medical, mental and functional symptoms

Stage 2 of EOSS. 

Stage 0-4

  • Stage 0 corresponds to no limitations or abnormalities
  • Stage 1 corresponds to subclinical risks
  • Stage 2 corresponds to established disease
  • Stage 3 corresponds to severe disease
  • Stage 4 corresponds to end-stage disease

What can you recommend to patients for Orlistat? List at least 3 things.

May start on weekend to avoid embarrassing AE

Omit dose if no meal, or no fat in meal.

Can decrease absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, recommend multivitamin 2hr before or after orlistat to prevent fat soluble vitamin deficiency.

Metamucil may help ↓GI AE.


What BMI do you consider pharmacotherapy for obesity? What BMI do you consider bariatric surgery?

• PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPY: BMI ≥ 30 kg/m² or ≥ 27 kg/m² with adiposity-related complications

Bariatric surgery may be considered in some cases (BMI≥40 kg/m2 or BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2 with at least 1 adiposity-related disease) to acheive:


What are the 4M's? List 2 examples for each.

Mental Health,Mechanical, Metabolic, Monetary Health/milieu

Mental Health: Self-image, weight bias, sleep, mood, anxiety, ADHD, trauma, addiction, binge eating, obesogenic medications for mental health

Mechanical: Osteoarthritis, pain, gout, sleep apnea, urinary incontinence, plantar fasciitis, intertrigo

Metabolic: T2DM, hyperlipidemia, nutritional deficiency, gout, HTN, endocrine disorder (PCOS, infertility), CVD, metabolic liver disease, gallstones, GERD

Monetary health/milieu:SES, education, access to food, occupation, disability


What can you do when assessing clinical presentation that makes the patient more comfortable? List at least 3.

  • Avoid stigmatizing or judgmental language.
  • Ask permission to weigh someone.
  • If possible, weigh individuals in a private area.
  • Ensure that clinical rooms have appropriatley sized BP cuffs, gowns, chair and exam tables.
  • Avoid assuming that a patient’s presenting complaint is related to body weight.

What do you need to investigate during diagnosis? List at least 5 things.

Physical exam (height, weight, BMI, waist circumference)

Medication history

Weight history (trajectories over time, previous weight loss attempts)

Physical activity: Current activities or limitations

Family history and SDOH, race, ethnicity, age)

Social history: Smoking status, alcohol intake, sugary beverages, recreational drugs.

Nutrition: Nutritional literacy, dietary habits, nutritional restrictions.


List 4 contraindications to Contrave. Cannot use pregnancy/planned conception/breastfeeding.

Contraindicated with concurrent opioid or MAOI use and Brugada syndrome. Uncontrolled HTN, seizure history or risk factors, abrupt disruption of alcohol, ESRD. Pregnancy, conception attempts, breastfeeding.


List the options for bariatric surgery in Canada and adverse effects for each.

Adjustable gastric binding: total weight loss 20%, AE: dysphagia and vomiting, long-term risk of weight regain, band erosion and band intolerance

Sleeve gastrectomy: total weight loss 25%, AE: constipation and vomiting, long-term risk of weight regain, Barret esophagus and GERD

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: total weight loss 30%, AE: Dumping syndrome, long-term risk of internal hernia, small bowel obstruction, anastomotic ulcer, nephrolithiasis


Define and list the 5 A's of obesity?

Ask: Permission to discuss weight & Determine readiness to change

Assess: Use BMI and WC to classify and evaluate risk & Assess potential causes

Advise: Health risks of obesity & Appropriate treatment and therapy

Agree: Realistic goals and weight management plan

Assist: Address any barriers & Provide helpful resources

  • Regular follow-up

List 4 risk factors associated with obesity and give 2 examples of each. Cannot use drug-induced.

Health Conditions: Hypothyroidism, Cushing’s Syndrome, PCOS, Pregnancy

Emotional: Boredom, Depression, Stress

Environmental: Social/cultural background, food prices, lack of availability

Dietary: High fat, high sugar

Eating Patterns: Overeating, binging, frequency

Lifestyle: Sleep deprivation, Sedentary lifestyle, Smoking cessation

Family History



What is BMI and what is it's disadvantage? When is BMI not useful? What populations have different BMIs?

BMI is measure of size, not health - does not accurately predict health (esp in inc age, muscular indiv, extreme height)

BMI is only useful for BMI 25-34.9 for assessing visceral adiposity and associated health risks, not rec above BMI > 35.

south asian, southeast asian and east asian have complications at lower BMIs, overweight for them is BMI > 23


What are the considerations for PCT in obesity?

• BMI ≥ 30 kg/m² or ≥ 27 kg/m² with adiposity-related complications

• Want to maintain weight loss achieved by behavioral changes and to prevent regain

• Unsatisfied with their progress after lifestyle changes

• Pharmacotherapy must be used as an adjunct to lifestyle changes
