What is the best method of emergency contraception?
What is ParaGuard IUD
What drug prevents the most injurious results that could occur from preeclampsia?
What is Mag sulfate
What medication can you anticipate administering to a mother who is Rh-, and at what point in her pregnancy?
What is RhoGAM, 28 weeks, then again at birth
What are the 3 steps in the attachment process?
What is Taking in Taking hold Letting go
Detects antibody coated Rh+ cells in infant's blood after delivery
What is DIRECT Coombs
With abnormal uterine bleeding after delivery what is the priority nursing intervention?
What is Assess the fundus
A patient comes in with a total placenta previa, what should you as the nurse prepare for?
What is C-section, NO VAG EXAM
Which of the following statements indicates the primary focus of the pregnant woman during the first trimester? A.  “How is the baby’s heart today?” B.  “Is the baby growing at the right rate?” C.  “Since I am not eating much because of the morning sickness, is the baby malnourished?” D.  “Why are my breasts so tender?”
What is D. “Why are my breasts so tender?” During the first trimester, the primary focus of the woman is on herself, not the fetus.
Lochia pink brown tinged for 3-10 days
What is serosa
Please define for Fetal Heart Rate... V C E H A O L P
What is Variable...Cord Early...Head Acceleration...Ok Late...placenta
If the nurse notices late decelerations of the baby’s heartbeat during labor, what is the priority nursing intervention?
What is Turn to the L side
You’re observing a student nurse preparing to start pitocin on a laboring mother, the student attaches the IV bag of pitocin directly to the IV line, what do you do?
What is STOP the student and make sure the pitocin is hung piggy back.
An ultrasound is done immediately prior to an amniocentesis to: A.  Determine fetal age. B.  Locate fetal and placental position.  C.  Determine maternal blood pressure. D.  Determine amount of fetal movement.
What is B.  Locate fetal and placental position.  Determining fetal and placental position is important prior to amniocentesis to prevent damage by the needle. **Most women have an u/s done before 16 weeks but that u/s would not be used to confirm position**
In newborns every stress leads to... (2) which could result in...(1)
What is Hypoglycemia Temperature instability (hypothermia) Respiratory distress
What are 2 symptoms of pre-eclampsia?
What is B/P > 140/90 @ 20 weeks or more Proteinuria Sometimes: pitting pedal edema, facial edema
What is the priority nursing intervention with spontaneous rupture of membranes?
What is assess FHR Followed by... Observe for cord prolapse and quality/quantity of amniotic fluid (color, odor, etc)
What are two risks when a mother has induction of labor?
What is Increased chance of infection Hypertonic uterine activity Uterine rupture Increased risk for c-section
As a nurse, what would you be worried about if you saw acholic stools?
What is Biliary Atresia
What would you be concerned about if your postpartum patient was complaining of... Myalgia Flu-like symptoms Low grade fever
What is Mastitis
Immediately after birth, the nurse can anticipate the fundus to be located: A.  At the umbilicus. B.  2 cm above the umbilicus. C.  1 cm below the umbilicus. D.  Midway between the symphysis pubis and umbilicus. 
What is D.  Midway between the symphysis pubis and umbilicus. 
**BONUS** What fetal heart rate signifies distress?
What is less than 100bpm
A pregnant woman comes in and has a blood pressure of 145/95, she is complaining of pain in the RUQ, and has been having nausea and vomiting for the past few hours. What are you most concerned about?
What is HELLP syndrome
What are the 3 C's for Esophageal Atresia (EA) and Tracheoesophageal Fistula (TEF)
What is Choking Coughing Cyanosis
Localized swelling of the soft tissues of the scalp caused by pressure on head during labor MAY CROSS OVER SUTURE LINES
What is Caput Succedaneum
What does TORCH stand for?
What is Toxoplasmosis Other: Varicella, Hepatitis B Rubella Cytomegalovirus Herpes Simplex