Which room should you use if a patient needs to be isolated?

Room 14 or Nearest Room


What are the 5 rights of medication administration?

Right Patient, Time, Route, Dose, Medication

BONUS: Right documentation


What do you do if the vaccine fridge alarm is beeping?

1. Check the temperature range

2. Notify LVN

3. Place a DO NOT USE sign on the door

4. LVN reports excursion to VFC coordinator


What is the process to administering a "routine" vaccine?

Order is placed. Give patient screening checklist and VIS. Review screening check list with LVN or MD if there is a "yes" to any question on checklist. Enter vaccine info into chart. LVN cosigns vaccine. Administer vaccine after 5 rights. Accept the vaccine administration in the room.


If a patient states they are going through hardships at home with food and housing, which SACH resource should you offer the patient?

CRC (Community Resource Center)


What is the "WET" contact time to fully disinfect a surface with a Cavi-Wipe?

1 Full Minute Wet Time


What is the system SAC Health has in place to alert staff of safety concerns?



You have to call 911 for a patient. What steps do you follow?

1. Alert LVN

2. LVN stays with pt

3. Call 911/EMR 

4. Notify security

5. Print out face sheet

6. Give report to EMR team

7. Document


What is the process in administering a "COVID" vaccine?

Ask patient what dose this is. Patient needs to provide COVID card if it is the 2nd/booster dose. Order is placed by doctor or LVN corresponding to dose. Patient completes the COVID vaccine questionnaire and is given the COVID vaccine EUA fact sheet. LVN reviews the vaccine questionnaire. Retrieve the vaccine. Enter vaccine info in chart. Have vaccine verified by LVN. Administer vaccine using 5 rights. Have patient wait 15 minutes. Keep door open to monitor for S/E. Alert LVN. Patient may be discharged after 15 minutes and if no ASE. Can give card back at discharge.


If a patient states they do not have transportation to appointments, what resources are available to help with this?

IEHP offers transportation


How do you don PPE?

1. Hand hygiene

2. Shoe Covers

3. Gown

4. Mask/Respirator

5. Eye Protection

6. Gloves


What is a Code Red?

What is a Code Blue?

What is a Code White?

What is a Code Grey?

If you do not know what the codes are, where is the sign located that has the list of all the codes?

Red -- Fire

Blue -- Adult Medical Emergency

White -- Pediatric Medical Emergency

Grey -- Combative Person

Above LEAD LVN desk


What items can be placed in a red biohazard bin?

Items saturated with blood.


What is the Trophon disinfection process?

Wipe down probe with a dry wipe

When the Trophon is warmed up, place dry and clean probe into the Trophon

Place yellow indicator

Close trophon and start disinfection

When ready, wipe down the probe with a dry wipe

Cover probe with a sheath

Place one label on the sheath and one label on the Trophon form

Complete the Trophon form

Place probe on U/S


If a patient requires translation services, what resources are available to the patient?

Language Line by telephone or Video for ASL

IEHP offers interpreter services, can request prior to appointment


How do you dof PPE?

1. Remove Gloves

2. Remove Gown

3. Exit Room

4. Hand Hygiene

5. Remove shields/eye shields

6. Remove mask/respirator

7. Hand hygiene 


Where is the Spill Kit, Emergency Oxygen, E-Kit, and AED located?

Spill Kit -- Dirty lab, in drawer by Trophon

Oxygen -- Clean Lab

E-Kit -- Clean Lab

AED -- hall way


A patient tells you they are having SI/HI, what do you do?

1. Make sure the patient is safe in the room. Do not leave the patient alone.

2. Alert LVN and MD

3. LVN/MD screens patient 

4. Alert BH/Health and Wellness Consultant

5. Determine if CCRT needs to be called

6. Follow CCRT instructions


How do you transfer dirty instruments from room to lab? What process do you follow to send instruments out to sterilize?

Place the dirty instrument in the "dirty" bin after procedure. Transport instruments in the bin.

To prep to send out for sterilizing: Label one zip lock bag per instrument. Label with instrument name and "peel pack." Place instrument in the zip lock bag. Spray with enzymatic spray. Seal bag. Place in bin.


If you have a patient who states they are going through severe depression, what resources are available to the patient?

Health and Wellness Consultant and can refer to BH specialty, CCRT


What is the process to follow if a patient screens "yes" to any COVID screening question?

1. PSR alerts LVN

2. Patient is placed in closest opened room

3. Place an isolation sign on door

4. Don PPE

5. Screen patient

6. Notify physician of findings and can order POCT  COVID test

7. If neg, inform provider 

8. If positive, notify provider and change to telehealth visit or R/S if pt chooses


What does RACE stand for in a fire? What does PASS stand for?

Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish

Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep


If we have to evacuate the building, what is the process and where do all Women's Health employees meet in the parking lot?

Check rooms for patients. Assist patients if needed. Form a single file line. Wait for manager instructions. Evacuate the building when told to do so. Meet in group area #2 (Parking lot). Take role call. Do not enter the building until cleared.


What is the process for cash pay patients?

1. PSRs charge patient fees based on sliding scale

2. All labs and pathologies should be paid prior to collecting

3. Cash pricing for labs and POCTs are found in the Waterman Shared Drive

4. If you don't know ask for PSRs or Lead to assist


If patient tells you they are unable to afford medications, what program does SACH offer?

