Sentence Structure
Author Purpose
Key Points

Him go store yesterday.

Replace Him with He and go with went.


"Jack walked into the kitchen and saw his mother surrounded by pots and pans, a delicious aroma wafting through the air. She was humming a familiar tune as she stirred a bubbling pot on the stove. Jack noticed a stack of plates on the counter and a vase of fresh flowers. He couldn't help but smile." 

Multiple-choice question: Based on the passage, what can you infer about Jack's mother? A) She doesn't enjoy cooking. B) She is preparing a meal for a special occasion. C) She is upset about something. D) She is cooking breakfast for herself.

Correct answer: B) She is preparing a meal for a special occasion.


"Oceans cover about 70% of the Earth's surface and are home to a wide variety of plants and animals. From the tiniest plankton to the gigantic blue whale, the ocean is full of life. It's also where we find things like coral reefs, which are like underwater cities for many creatures. Oceans are important for lots of reasons. They help regulate the Earth's temperature, provide us with food and oxygen, and are even a source of fun for activities like swimming and surfing!"

Now, let's add a multiple-choice question:

What is the author's main goal in writing this paragraph?

D) To explain how coral reefs are formed C) To describe the size of different ocean animals B) To discuss the importance of oceans and their inhabitants A) To compare the ocean to other bodies of water

Correct answer: B) To discuss the importance of oceans and their inhabitants


"Animals come in many shapes and sizes. Some animals, like dogs and cats, are pets that live with people in their homes. Others, like birds and squirrels, live outside in nature. Animals need food, water, and shelter to live happily. Just like people, animals have families too! They take care of each other and sometimes play together. It's important to be kind to animals and help take care of them."

Now, let's add a multiple-choice question:

What is the main idea of the passage?

D) Animals live in different places. C) Animals are similar to people. B) Animals need food, water, and shelter. A) Animals like to play with toys


Correct answer: C) Animals need food, water, and shelter.


"In the small town of Green Valley, nestled between rolling hills and lush green forests, there is a cozy bakery called Sweet Treats. Located on Main Street, Sweet Treats is known for its delicious cupcakes and warm atmosphere. The bakery is adorned with colorful decorations and the scent of freshly baked goods fills the air. It's a favorite spot for locals to gather and enjoy sweet treats with friends and family."

Multiple-choice question: Where is Sweet Treats bakery located? D) In the bustling city center C) In the mountains B) In the small town of Green Valley, on Main Street A) In the countryside

Correct answer: B) In the small town of Green Valley, on Main Street


"After finishing her homework, John decided to relax and play video games. Him and his friends often competed against each other online. John's favorite game was a racing game where he could customize his car and race against other players from around the world."

Multiple-choice question: Which part of the passage contains a grammar error? A) "After finishing her homework" B) "Him and his friends" C) "John's favorite game was a racing game" D) "where he could customize his car"

Correct answer: B) "Him and his friends" (It should be "He and his friends")


"As Emily walked into the classroom, she noticed the desks arranged in a circle instead of rows. A pile of art supplies sat in the center of the room, along with a stack of colorful books. The walls were adorned with posters of famous artists and their works. The teacher greeted each student with a warm smile, and soft music played in the background."

Multiple-choice question: Based on the passage, what can you infer about the classroom? A) It is a science laboratory. B) It is a music room. C) It is an art classroom. D) It is a history classroom.

Correct answer: C) It is an art classroom.


Certainly, here's a paragraph at a sixth-grade level:

"Volcanoes are powerful natural phenomena found all around the world. They form when magma, which is molten rock beneath the Earth's surface, erupts through openings in the Earth's crust. This molten rock, called lava when it reaches the surface, can flow out slowly or explode violently, depending on its composition and the conditions of the eruption. Volcanic eruptions can have both positive and negative effects. While they create new landforms and fertile soil, they can also cause destruction to nearby communities and ecosystems. Studying volcanoes helps scientists better understand these geological processes and mitigate their risks."

Now, let's add a multiple-choice question:

What is the author's primary purpose in the paragraph?

A) To explain the types of rocks found in volcanic regions B) To describe the role of magma in the Earth's mantle C) To discuss the formation and effects of volcanic eruptions D) To compare and contrast different types of natural disasters

Correct answer: C) To discuss the formation and effects of volcanic eruptions

Correct answer: C) To discuss the formation and effects of volcanic eruptions


"The Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, brought about profound changes in society, economy, and technology. It marked a shift from agrarian and handicraft-based economies to industrialized ones, characterized by mechanization and factory production. This transformation led to urbanization as people migrated from rural areas to cities in search of employment opportunities. While the Industrial Revolution spurred economic growth and innovation, it also brought about social challenges such as poor working conditions, child labor, and widening economic inequalities."

And the multiple-choice question:

What is the central theme of the passage?

A) The impact of urbanization on rural communities B) The role of technology in shaping societies C) The benefits of mechanization in agriculture D) The social and economic consequences of the Industrial Revolution

Correct answer: D) The social and economic consequences of the Industrial Revolution


"In the forest, there is a wise old owl named Oliver. Oliver is known for his big, round eyes and his ability to see in the dark. He spends his nights perched high in the trees, watching over the forest and its inhabitants. Whenever the animals have a problem or need advice, they go to Oliver for help. With his knowledge and wisdom, Oliver is like a guardian of the forest, always ready to lend a listening ear and offer guidance."

Multiple-choice question: Who is known for his big, round eyes and his ability to see in the dark? A) The wise old owl named Oliver B) The playful squirrel named Sammy C) The colorful butterfly named Bella D) The sleepy bear named Benny

Correct answer: A) The wise old owl named Oliver


"At the park, Sarah and me played on the swings for hours. Then, we went to the ice cream stand and I got a chocolate cone. Sarah and me laughed and talked about our favorite movies while we ate our ice cream."

Multiple-choice question: Which part of the passage contains a grammar error? A) "At the park, Sarah and me played on the swings for hours." B) "Then, we went to the ice cream stand and I got a chocolate cone." C) "Sarah and me laughed and talked about our favorite movies." D) "while we ate our ice cream."

Correct answer: A) "At the park, Sarah and me played on the swings for hours." (It should be "Sarah and I")


"As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city skyline, Sarah sat on the park bench with a book in her hand. She turned the pages slowly, occasionally pausing to glance at the colorful leaves scattered on the ground. The sound of children playing nearby mixed with the chirping of birds, creating a peaceful atmosphere."

Multiple-choice question: Based on the passage, what can you infer about Sarah? A) She is waiting for someone. B) She enjoys reading outdoors. C) She is meeting friends for a picnic. D) She is studying for an exam.

Correct answer: B) She enjoys reading outdoors.


Toxic waste poses a grave threat to both human health and the environment. When improperly disposed of, these hazardous materials can contaminate soil, water sources, and the air we breathe, leading to a host of health problems ranging from respiratory issues to cancer. Furthermore, toxic waste often persists in the environment for years, causing long-term damage to ecosystems and biodiversity. Despite efforts to regulate and manage toxic waste disposal, incidents of illegal dumping and inadequate containment continue to pose significant challenges."

Now, for the multiple-choice question:

What is the author's primary purpose in the paragraph?

A) To provide an overview of the history of toxic waste disposal

 B) To explain the chemical composition of toxic waste

 C) To highlight the dangers associated with toxic waste contamination D) To promote the benefits of recycling household waste

Correct answer: C) To highlight the dangers associated with toxic waste contamination


"In recent years, there has been growing concern about the impact of plastic pollution on the environment. Plastic waste, particularly single-use plastics like bottles and bags, has become ubiquitous in oceans, rivers, and even remote areas. This pollution poses a grave threat to marine life, as animals often mistake plastic debris for food or become entangled in it. Additionally, plastics can leach harmful chemicals into the environment, further endangering ecosystems and human health. Addressing plastic pollution requires concerted efforts to reduce plastic consumption, improve waste management systems, and promote alternatives to single-use plastics."

And the multiple-choice question:

What is the primary focus of the passage?

A) The benefits of using plastic materials in everyday life B) The historical origins of plastic production C) The impact of plastic pollution on the environment and marine life D) The economic advantages of plastic manufacturing industries

Correct answer: C) The impact of plastic pollution on the environment and marine life


"At night, when the sky turns dark and the stars come out, it's time for bedtime stories. Families gather together, snuggled under cozy blankets, to read tales of adventure and magic. Bedtime stories are special because they help us relax and drift off to sleep with happy thoughts and dreams. They make bedtime a time to look forward to, a time to share stories and love."

Multiple-choice question: When do families usually read bedtime stories? A) In the morning B) At lunchtime C) At night, when the sky turns dark and the stars come out D) During playtime

Correct answer: C) At night, when the sky turns dark and the stars come out


Best way to combine the two sentences: 

  1. "The sun was shining brightly."
  2. "The birds were singing in the trees."


A. and
B. or
C. although

Part B.
True of False
 A comma needed when combining the sentences.

"The sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing in the trees."



Maria stood at the edge of the cliff, gazing out at the vast expanse of the ocean spread out before her. The waves crashed against the rocks below, sending salty spray into the air. The wind whipped through her hair, carrying the scent of the sea. Maria felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration as she watched seabirds soar overhead, their wings outstretched against the azure sky."

Multiple-choice question: Based on the passage, what can you infer about Maria's feelings? A) She is fearful of heights. B) She is experiencing a sense of calm and tranquility. C) She is anxious about the ocean. D) She is bored and looking for something to do.

Correct answer: B) She is experiencing a sense of calm and tranquility.


"Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday; I can't be sure. The telegram from the Home says: YOUR MOTHER PASSED AWAY. FUNERAL TOMORROW. DEEP SYMPATHY. Which leaves the matter doubtful; it could have been yesterday."

In the provided excerpt from "The Stranger" by Albert Camus, what is the primary focus of the narrator's thoughts?

A) Reflecting on his mother's life and legacy B) Questioning the accuracy of the telegram's timing C) Contemplating the inevitability of death D) Expressing gratitude for the sympathy expressed in the telegram

Correct answer: C) Contemplating the inevitability of death

Correct answer: C) Contemplating the inevitability of death


"The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century revolutionized the way information was disseminated. Prior to the printing press, books were painstakingly copied by hand, making them rare and expensive. Gutenberg's invention made it possible to produce books quickly and in large quantities, leading to a surge in literacy and the spread of knowledge throughout Europe. This democratization of information played a crucial role in the Renaissance and the Reformation, as ideas could now be shared widely and debated openly."

What was the primary impact of Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the printing press?

A) The rise of feudalism in Europe B) The decline of religious institutions C) The spread of knowledge and literacy D) The increase in political conflicts

Correct answer: B) The decline of religious institutions


Correct answer: B) The decline of religious institutions


"Yesterday, Sarah and her friends went to the park to have a picnic. They brought sandwiches, fruit, and juice. They played games like soccer and tag. Sarah's favorite part was when they had a race. They laughed and had a great time together."

Multiple-choice question: Which of the following best answers the question "What happened yesterday at the park?" A) Sarah and her friends had a picnic and played games. B) Sarah's friends went to the zoo. C) Sarah went to the library to read. D) Sarah and her friends had a dance party.

Correct answer: A) Sarah and her friends had a picnic and played games.


Fix the sentence:

"Me and him are going to the store for buy some foods. Them apples are look good, but we need more tomato's. She don't like the idea of go camping, but we convinces her. Yesterday, we eated dinner at the new restaurant down the street, and it was very good. I can't believe how much peoples were there!"

"He and I are going to the store to buy some food. Those apples look good, but we need more tomatoes. She doesn't like the idea of going camping, but we convinced her. Yesterday, we ate dinner at the new restaurant down the street, and it was very good. I can't believe how many people were there!"


"The streets were deserted as Sarah made her way home from school. Dark clouds loomed overhead, threatening rain. Sarah quickened her pace, clutching her backpack tightly. She glanced nervously around, feeling a sense of unease in the empty silence. As she turned the corner onto her street, she noticed a flicker of movement in the shadows."

Multiple-choice question: Based on the passage, what can you infer about Sarah's emotions? A) She is excited to get home. B) She is worried about the impending rain. C) She is feeling comfortable and relaxed. D) She is feeling apprehensive or fearful.

Correct answer: D) She is feeling apprehensive or fearful.


"The solar system is a vast expanse of space that includes the sun, planets, moons, and other celestial bodies. At the center of the solar system is the sun, a massive star that provides light and heat to all the planets orbiting around it. The eight planets in our solar system vary in size, composition, and distance from the sun. Some planets, like Mercury and Venus, are rocky and have no moons, while others, like Jupiter and Saturn, are gas giants with numerous moons and intricate ring systems. Studying the solar system helps scientists better understand the universe and our place within it."

Now, let's add a multiple-choice question:

What is the author's primary purpose in the paragraph?

A) To provide an overview of the history of space exploration C) To explain the process of planetary formation B) To describe the characteristics of the solar system D) To discuss the effects of solar flares on Earth's climate

Correct answer: B) To describe the characteristics of the solar system


Here's a passage:

"In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, a delicate balance exists between the vast array of plant and animal species. This intricate web of life is under threat due to deforestation, primarily driven by agricultural expansion and logging. As swathes of trees are cleared, habitats are destroyed, and species are pushed to the brink of extinction. The loss of biodiversity not only affects the Amazon region but also has global implications, as the rainforest plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate and water cycle."

What is the main idea of the passage?

A) The diversity of plant and animal life in the Amazon rainforest B) The threats posed by deforestation to the Amazon rainforest ecosystem C) The importance of agricultural expansion for economic development D) The role of the Amazon rainforest in local folklore and traditions

Correct answer: B) The threats posed by deforestation to the Amazon rainforest ecosystem 


"The flowers in the garden bloomed beautifully after the rain. This happened because rain provides water to the soil, which the flowers need to grow. When flowers get enough water, they become healthy and strong, and then they bloom with colorful petals. So, the rain helped the flowers grow and look pretty."

Multiple-choice question: Why did the flowers bloom beautifully after the rain? A) Because they wanted to impress the garden visitors. B) Because they were tired of being small. C) Because rain provides water to the soil, which flowers need to grow. D) Because the birds sang to them.

Correct answer: C) Because rain provides water to the soil, which flowers need to grow.
