An educational framework for classrooms that addresses all of the diverse needs of the learners.
What is UDL?
The act that requires the use of UDL to increase flexibility.
What is The Higher Education Act?
This was completed before any UDL training began.
What is the pretest?
These are different ways to help students.
What are accommodations?
Adjustments to the learning environment that help students.
What are accommodations?
The three guidelines for UDL.
What are engagement, representation, and action and expression?
This is where participants applied what they had learned during the UDL training.
What is post training?
The program that provides accommodations.
What is an IEP(Individualize Education Program)?
The flexibility of classroom instruction with materials, presentations, needs, and strategies.
What are instructional practices?
This guideline includes welcoming interests and identities.
What is engagement?
Guided Notes, Interactive Software, Collaboration, Etc.
What are ways to apply UDL in the classroom?
What the acronym SEL stands for
What is social-emotional learning?
Focus on inclusion in the classroom for all students
What is general special education?
This guideline includes language and symbols.
What is representation?
Only special education teachers, small sample size, no control group, etc.
What are the limitations of the study?
What SEL helps people develop
Healthy Identities
The preparation and training of teachers for UDL
What is teacher learning?
This guideline includes strategy development.
What is action and expression?
Teachers were able to successfully apply the principles of UDL.
What are the results of the study?
Teachers being attentive to their students and listening to their feedback.
What does SEL look like in the classroom?