Symptoms of mild choking.
What are coughing, wheezing, gasping for air, flushed face, panic?
When an individual stops breathing.
What is severe choking?
Always needed before starting treatment.
What is consent?
The amount of air the lungs can hold in them.
What is between 4 and 6 litres of air?
One or two hands on throat.
What is the universal sign of choking?
A partial obstruction of the airway.
What is mild choking?
The three ways to attempt to relieve an obstructed airway.
What are abdominal thrusts, back blows, and chest compressions?
The only organ that can float on water.
What are lungs?
Signs of severe choking.
What are inability to breathe, bluish skin (cyanosis), inability to speak, loss of consciousness?
A total obstruction of the airway.
What is severe choking?
The treatment that is initiated when the individual falls unconscious.
What is CPR?
The foods most commonly choked on?
What are hot dogs, hard candies, gum, nuts, seeds, whole grapes, popcorn, chunks of peanut butter, raw vegetables, raisins?
The affected parts of ABCs in choking.
What are airway and breathing?
A person who can't speak, but still has air passing through their airway.
What is someone with mild choking?
The instructions given to individuals who are experiencing mild choking.
What is telling them "just keep coughing?"
They part of your body that have the ability to switch which one of them is doing most of the work.
What are nostrils?