Snow White eats this poisonous fruit
What is an apple
Fast Food chain known for its 11 herb and spices recipe
What is KFC
She once made a song for "All the single ladies"
Who is Beyonce
In this trilogy, Frodo Baggins forms a fellowship with three other hobbits, an elf, a dwarf, a wizard, and two men.
What is Lord Of The Rings
The 'Tour de France" is what type of race
What is a Bicycle Race
Name of the toy store in Toy Story 2
What is Al's Toy Barn
Base ingredient of gummy bears
What is Gelatin
He is the lead vocalist of the band U2
Who is Bono
The famous line "youre killing me smalls" came from this movie
What is The Sandlot
Baseball team with the Most World Series titles
Who are the Yankees
This is the first Pixar movie put out
What is Toy Story
Main ingredient of Hummus
What is Chickapeas
This rockstar once bit off the head of a bat live on stage
Who is Ozzy Osbourne
Steve Carell gets his chest waxed in this famous film
What is The 40 year Old Virgin
Color of the goalposts in American Football
What is Yellow
Year the original ‘Cinderella’ was released
What is 1950
You can "Have it your way" at this fast food chain
What is Burger King
This City is often referred to as the birthplace of Jazz
What is New Orleans
Recounting a memory of his father, Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Knight utters this 3-word question
What is "Why So Serious"
This National Team won the 2022 World Cup
What is Argentina
Original number of puppies Pongo and Perdita had in 101 Dalmatians
What is 15
This purple-skinned edible is the star ingredient of Baba Ghanoush
What is an EggPlant
This is the first rap group to win a Grammy Award
Who is The Sugarhill Gang
Brand recognition for FedEx skyrocketed after being featured in this 2000 Tom Hanks film
What is Cast Away
Game where the word "Love" is considered a type of score
What is Tennis