Major Minerals
Obesity, Energy Balance, and Weight Management
Nutrition for Fitness and Sport
Nutrition for Older Adults

Lean muscle contains more water, how much?



What are at least 6 strategies to improve body composition? Write on the board.

15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

There are numerous strategies for improving body composition, including:

•Enhancing diet quality

•Finding an enjoyable exercise routine

•Practicing mindful eating

•Addressing issues with emotional eating

•Reducing stress

•Improving sleep


Define what resistance exercises are and provide at least 3 movement examples. Write on the board.

15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

Resistance exercises - physical activities, such as pull-ups and push-ups, that develop muscle strength and muscle endurance


What are the Estimated Average Requirements for most older adults?

Men =

Women =

As we age, the need for energy decreases due to physical inactivity and reduced metabolic rate

The EAR for energy is:

•2,000 kcal for older men

•1,600 kcal for older women


What was the average life expectancy for those born in 1900?

In 2017, what was the life expectancy in the US?

Life expectancy is the average length of time a person born in a specific year can expect to live

•For those born in 1900, the life expectancy was 47 years

•By 2017, the life expectancy in the United States had risen to almost 79 years


What food contains 60 to 95% water by weight?

Fruits and vegetables


What is the hypothalamus and where is it? Draw a diagram on the board.

15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

Hypothalamus - structure in the brain that controls hunger and satiety.


What are the minimum standards for exercise per week?

Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity, or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity, aerobic physical activity per week.

Perform muscle-strengthening activities at least 2 days/wk.


What are the three reasons why older adults are at risk of developing protein malnutrition?

Older adults at risk of developing protein malnutrition are those who:

•Are on limited incomes

•Live alone

•Are physically unable to shop for and cook food


Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass after what age? 

Weight loss after age 70 years is partially a result of the loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia)

•Some muscle cells shrink or die, and loss of muscular strength results

•Contributes to functional decline, frailty, falls, poor quality of life, and in some cases, death


Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is secreted by parathyroid glands when blood calcium levels are low, what does it stimulate?

Osteoclasts: bone cells that tear down bone tissue


What does NEAT stand for, what does it mean, and provide at least 2 examples of it? Write on the board.

15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) - energy expended during spontaneous, unplanned physical activities; it includes:

•Involuntary movements, such as shivering, that produce less movement and more heat

•Voluntary movements like fidgeting, maintaining an upright body position, or performing light activities such as cooking and cleaning


What is VO2 max?

Aerobic capacity (VO2 max) - maximal oxygen uptake; a measure of the amount of the maximal amount of oxygen consumed during physical activity.


Older adults generally consume adequate amounts of carbohydrates and fats.

Nearly half of U.S. adults age 71 years and older do not meet the minimum protein requirement of ______ bodyweight.

0.8 g/kg body weight


Define what 'The World Bank' is in regard to formats of global nutrition.

Write on the board: 15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

Major Global Food Aid Programs and Their Efforts to Reduce Undernutrition

The World Bank

Strives to eliminate extreme poverty by providing low-interest loans, interest-free credits, and grants to developing countries; investments can be for efforts to improve people’s health and agricultural production.


What is the adequate intake for potassium in mg/day for adult females and males?

The AI for potassium is 2,600 mg/day for adult females and 3,400 mg/day for adult males.


What is considered to be the gold standard in body composition measures?

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) -  technique of estimating body composition that involves scanning the body with two low-energy x-rays.

•It is highly accurate

•But it is very expensive and not widely available


Importance of Protein for Physical Activity

Why is protein important for physical activity?

What are the intake range recommendations for active individuals (such as athletes)?

Write on the board. 15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

After intense physical activity, athletes may be able to enhance protein synthesis in their muscles by eating protein-rich foods.

Dietary intake of 1.2 to 2.0 g of protein/kg of body weight/day by athletes may be necessary to support:

•Metabolic adaptation



•Protein turnover that results from moderate- and high-intensity physical activity


In relation to the esophagus, stomach, and intestines; older adults are more likely to have these three issues/struggles:

Write on the board: 15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

Older adults are more likely to have:


Iron deficiency due to:

•Reduced stomach acid production

•Intestinal bleeding caused by regular aspirin intake, intestinal ulcers, and cancer


•May be prevented by:

•Increasing intake of fiber-rich foods, such as whole-grain products and vegetables

•Ensuring fluid intake is adequate


When food is considered "contaminated", what can it be from? List the four discussed in the lecture/book.

Write on the board: 15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

Contaminated food is an item that contains undesirable or harmful additives, microbes, or microbial products and is not fit for human consumption.

Contaminants may or may not be harmful and include:

•Pathogens (always harmful)

•Insect parts

•Residues of compounds used to kill insects

•Small fragments of food-processing equipment


Blood Pressure Values

On the board, name the categories for Blood Pressure Levels in Adults (Ages 18 and Older).

15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

On another template


On the board, name at least 6 health consequences of obesity by region of the body.

15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

On another template 


What are the intake recommendations (percentage range and also, value range) of protein for an individual that weighs 187 pounds?

Calorie Intake: 2,621 calories

15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

187 pounds = 85 kg

Percentage Range: 10 to 35%

2,621 * 0.10 = 262.1 / 4 kcal = 65.525 grams

2,621 * 0.35 = 917.35 / 4 kcal = 229.3375 grams

Value Range: 1.2 to 2.0 g of protein/kg

85 kg * 1.2 g = 102 grams

85 kg * 2.0 g = 170


Age-Related Physiological Changes

What are age-related physiological changes for older adults? Name at least four body systems and provide two examples of changes in that system.

15 seconds to select a teammate; 1 minute to answer

On another template.


Who is the Oakland CC Dean of Health Professions?

Executive Director of Health Professions and Dean of Nursing

Health Professions

Tanya McFadden

Departments: Nursing and Health Professions including Dental Hygiene, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Health Care Administration, Medical Assisting, Radiological Technology, Respiratory Therapy, Surgical Technology
