Gastronomic Guardianship
Regulatory Roulette
Sound Strategy
Indecent (Occupational) Exposures
OTJ Learning

The most practical way to prevent the contraction of brucellosis from cow's milk.

What is pasteurization?


The policy that provides a framework for pesticide control in the United States.

What is the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)?


The unit of measurement often used to describe sound, pressure, and power.

What is decibels?

- The decibel scale is a logarithmic ratio; every 10 dB difference (i.e. 80 dB compared to 90 dB) equates to a 100 times greater intensity.

- The smallest audible sound is 0 dB; the threshold of pain is about 100-120 dB


A metal that may cause a rash with numerous well-demarcated circular lesions that look like punched-out holes. Usually, there is minimal erythema and no evidence of secondary infection.

A secondary complaint includes chronic rhinitis and conjunctivitis not responsive to anti-histamines which may be evidence of a septal perforation

What is chromium?

- "Chrome holes" are a classic finding, most common on the hands

- Additional symptoms may include occupational asthma, bronchitis, keratitis, and lung cancer

- Chromium is commonly used in the textile, electroplating and construction industries.


This is the resource that describes hazardous chemicals in the workplace. Chemical manufacturers and distributors must provide it to employers to make available to employees.

What is the Safety Data Sheet?

The type of seafood most likely to contain high levels of mercury.

Shark, Tuna, Mackerel, and Swordfish.

- Methyl mercury is the organic mercury in aquatic organisms following the processing of inorganic mercury from industrial dumping.

- Mercury toxicity may lead to stomatitis, intention tremors, irritability, and personality changes.


The federal organization that assures the nation's supply of meat and poultry is safe for human consumption.

What is the US Department of Agriculture (USDA)

- The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the USDA assures the safety of meat, egg, ans poultry products.

- The FDA is responsible for the safety of the majority of other consumed products.


These are non-auditory effects of exposure to unwanted sound.

What are sleep disturbance, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, peripheral vasoconstriction, and increased peripheral vascular resistance. 

- Noise activates the autonomic nervous system, resulting in these physiological changes. 

- Noise has been demonstrated to impair cognitive performance and cause annoyance that may lead to more serious psychological effects.


The symptom most likely experienced first for an individual exposed to 50 rad of radiation.

What is vomiting?

- Acute Radiation Syndrome progresses in stages (Prodromal, Latent, Manifest, and Death/Recovery) that typically start with anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. High-dose exposures will have early onset of vomiting (<4 hrs from exposure).


Financial compensation to make up the difference between usual and temporary pay when a worker is assigned to a different than usual job (at less pay) before returning to usual duties.

What is temporary partial disability?

- There are four classes of disabilities:

1. Temporary total - worker is unable to work, but expected to recover

2. Temporary partial - worker is unable to perform usual duties, but may work in a different or modified capacity

3. Permanent total - worker is unable to regain full employment in the same position

4. Permanent partial - worker suffers permanent injury but may continue work in a modified capacity


The most reliable way to remove Cryptosporidium from drinking water.

What is filtration?

- Flotation and Coagulation improve conditions to remove C. parvum, but they are not reliable on their own.

- Chlorination is not effective.


The legislation that calls for the supervision of hazardous waste during its life-span (generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal).

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

- RCRA gives the EPA "cradle to grave" authority over hazardous wastes

- The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), also called Superfund, provides a framework to address poorly controlled or abandoned waste sites while making companies responsible for funding cleanups.


This is the 8h time weighted average (TWA) at which OSHA mandates a hearing conservation program.

What is >85 dB?

- When these levels are exceeded, OSHA mandates administrative or engineering controls be utilized

- Employees are to be notified of the risk and allowed access to noise measurements and no-cost audiometric testing


A common component in many industries; exposure to this compound may cause deep burns to the skin. Chronic exposure may lead to necrosis of the maxilla and mandible and hepatic necrosis.

Bisphosphonate use increases the risk of severe complications.

What is phosphorous?


The number of employees at which a private organization must provide leave benefits under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

What is 50?

- Any company with at least 50 employees in 20 or more workweeks must provide FMLA benefits

- FMLA grants 12 weeks of leave in a 12 month period (unpaid) for sickness or illness of the employee, birth of a child, or care of a direct family member.


The most common environmental source of arsenic intake.

(Bonus: how does arsenic interfere with normal cellular function?)

What is drinking well water?

- Arsenic blocks the Krebs Cycle and decreases cellular energy production. 

-Natural (organic) arsenic toxicity is generally less severe than man-made (inorganic) arsenic toxicity.


The organization that provides oversight for the transportation of hazardous waste, according to the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HMTA).

What is the Department of Transportation?


An average shift in the hearing of either ear of 10 dB or more at 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 hertz.

The definition of a Standard Threshold Shift


Hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by chronic exposure to moldy sugarcane.

What is Bagassosis?

-There are many types of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Some of the most common are below:

Cotton      -- Byssinosis

Hay/Grain -- Farmer's Lung

Cork         -- Suberosis

Wood        -- Woodworker's Lung


This term refers to the processes by which a toxic substance enters the body, is distributed within the body, metabolized, and ultimately eliminated.

What is toxicokinetics?

- This differs from toxicodynamics, which encompasses the study of how toxic substances exert their effects on living organisms.


The rule from the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) that mandates changes to water's chemistry to prevent both lead and copper from contaminating drinking water.

What is the Lead and Copper Rule?

-If lead concentrations exceed 15 ppb, or if Copper concentrations exceed 1.3 ppm, water must be treated to eliminate excess metals.


The Toxic Substances Control Act (ToSCA) gives the EPA the authority to screen and monitor chemicals for personal and environmental safety. 

These three compounds are excepted from ToSCA.

What are food, drugs, cosmetics, and pesticides?


In occupational safety and health, this strategic approach is used to minimize or eliminate exposure to workplace hazards. It prioritizes methods ranging from the most effective at the top to the least effective at the bottom.

The Hierarchy of Controls


This may cause munitions workers to complain of severe headaches and flushing sensations on Monday mornings that resolve throughout the day.

What are nitrates?

- Nitrates used in munitions (i.e. TNT) trigger GMP to cause vasodilation, resulting in venous pooling, reduced venous return, and lower end-diastolic pressure. Tolerance builds with chronic exposure and can result in rebound symptoms when the exposure is removed.


The international organization that gives equal voice to governments, workers, and employers.

What is the International Labor Organization (ILO)?

- The ILO's mission is to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protections, and strengthen dialogue on work issues.

- The ILO falls within the United Nations and provides a tripartite structure to give equal voice to sovereign governments, workers, and employers.
