Name 3 animals that live in the ocean.
There are many! Answers might include: Whale, shark, octopus, dolphin, crab, fish, sea star, manatee, pelican, sea gull, whale shark, etc...
Can humans drink ocean water? Why or why not?
No. Not without removing the salt first!
Is there more ocean or land on Earth?
Name an ocean animal you might find at a Florida beach.
You might mention: sea turtle, jellyfish, dolphin, seagull, manatee, pelican, even coral!
If you live on the ocean or far from it, what is one thing anyone can do to help the ocean?
Answers could include:
- Learn more about the ocean!
- Don't litter
- Pick up litter
- Recycle
- Don't waste water
- Don't buy animals or seafood that are endangered
- Teach friends and family about the importance of a healthy ocean
True or False? Green sea turtles mainly eat algae and seagrasses and this gives them their greenish body color.
True! A diet filled with green plant pigment (chlorophyll) results in their body fat having a green hue.
How do researchers identify manatees in the wild?
A) Their size
B) The color of their skin
C) Their scars
D) Their location
C) Their scars. This is a non-invasive research technique using the unique pattern of scars and mutilations on the trunk and tail fluke
What is the largest sea turtle in the world?
A) Loggerhead
B) Kemps Ridley
C) Leatherback
D) Hawksbills
C) The Leatherback - they can weigh up to 2000 pounds!
True or False? Dolphin are born with hair.
True! Dolphin are born with a few stout hairs on their rostrum (their snout!), which fall out soon after birth.
True or False. If you live more than 100 miles away from the ocean, you don't need it.
False! We all need a healthy ocean to survive! Every other breath we take is provided by the ocean. No matter where you live, you can have an impact on the ocean and the ocean impacts you!
True or False? Great white sharks are born without teeth.
False. When shark pups are born, they are around 4 to 5 feet in length and have a full set of teeth!
Which U.S. state has the greatest amount of oceanic coastline, with more miles of coastline than all the rest of the United States combined?
A) Texas
B) Alaska
C) Florida
D) Hawaii
B) Alaska
How much of the Earth's oxygen comes from marine plants?
A) 70%
B) 50%
C) 15%
D) 100%
A) 70%
Why does a pufferfish puff up?
To avoid predators. Pufferfish use their highly elastic stomachs and the ability to quickly ingest huge amounts of water (and even air when necessary) to turn themselves into a virtually inedible ball several times their normal size.
Since Kansas City is playing in Super Bowl 54, do you know the name of the river that runs through it?
Bonus question: Where would a drop of water in this river ultimately go?
Missouri River
Bonus question answer: Water in the Missouri River travels southeast to the Mississippi River which ultimately empties into the Gulf of Mexico
The male of this ocean animal carries the baby eggs in his pouch.
A) Octopus
B) Seahorse
C) Great White Shark
D) Lobster
B) Seahorse. Females transfer between 50 and 150 eggs to the male's pouch where he incubates and cares for them
True or False? Since 1993, the rate of ocean warming has more than doubled.
True. The rate of warming has doubled, not the temperature itself!
What is the average depth of the ocean?
A) 200 ft.
B) 500 ft
C) 1 mile
D) 2.5 miles
D) 2.5 miles or approximately 12,100 ft.
A single native oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, can filter how many gallons of water each day?
A) 5 gallons
B) 10 gallons
C) 25 gallons
D) 50 gallons
D) 50 gallons
About what percentage of "marine debris" or ocean trash, do experts believe comes from land-based sources?
A) 15%
B) 40%
C) 60%
D) 80%
D) 80% Research shows that most of the trash that ends up in the ocean travels down watersheds, storm drain systems and other sources on land first.
There is a suborder of slow-swimming whales which lack teeth - what is this suborder called?
Mysticeti .. Or baleen whales
Which National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) office is responsible for productive and sustainable fisheries, safe sources of seafood, the recovery and conservation of protected resources, and healthy ecosystems?
A) National Marine Fisheries Services
B) National Wildlife Commission
C) National Marine Protected Areas Office
A) National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS)
Which submarine first traveled under the ice pack?
USS Nautilus in 1958
On an average year, how many sea turtle nests are laid on Florida's coasts?
A) 40-85 thousand
B) 4-10 thousand
C) 1-2 million
D) 20-40 thousand
A) 40-85 thousand. Not every nest hatches and from those that do, about 1 in every 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings will survive to adulthood.
Of the 32 NFL teams, can you name 2 teams that are located in states that don't have coasts? The Great Lakes count as coasts!
Answer options: Counting states that touch the Great Lakes, there are only 5 truly non-coastal NFL teams: Arizona Cardinals, Denver Broncos, Kansas City Chiefs, Tennessee Titans, Washington Redskins.