God provided this miraculous bread from heaven to the Israelites as they wandered in the desert after being liberated from slavery in Egypt.
What is manna?
Manna is a Hebrew word meaning, "what is it"?
The covenant sign between God and Noah?
What is the rainbow?
How many sacraments do we have in the Catholic Church?
What is 7
Which liturgical season are we in?
What is Lent
I am the beloved apostle and the writer of the fourth Gospel.
Who is John
I will be the first millennial to be canonized.
(Patron of the internet)
Who is Carlo Acutis?
His canonization mass is expected to take place on Sunday, April 27th 2025.
What meal did Jesus celebrate with his apostles at the Last Supper?
What is Passover?
God entered into a covenant with Abraham with these three promises.
What is land, descendants, worldwide blessing?
Two types of sin.
What are mortal and venial
How long is Lent?
What is 40 days.
Lent last 40 days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Thursday, excluding Sundays. We do not include them in the "40 days" because on every Sunday we remember and celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Mass
I am the Carmelite Saint whose "Little Way" shows us how offering joys and sorrows daily can make us a great saint.
Who is St. Therese of Lisieux
I was seen as a flying friar. I am am known for the prayer: Pray, hope and don't worry. I was a Capuchin priest who had the wounds of Christ on my body (the stigmata), upon my death the wounds were completely healed.
Who is St. Padre Pio?
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
What is the "fall" or first sin?
What is original sin? or What is the sin of Adam & Eve. They listened to the serpent and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
My name means laughter?
How did I get my name?
Who is Isaac?
Sarah laughed when she heard the messenger say that she would have a baby in her old age
The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit.
What are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and Fear of the Lord?
Lent is a season of repentance and we participate with three key pillars
What is prayer, fasting and almsgiving
I am the first American citizen to be canonized whose work among the immigrants gave me the title of "Patron of All Immigrants"
Who is St. Frances Cabrini
An image of Jesus was painted because of my visions. The image is known as Divine Mercy. Who am I?
Who is St. Faustina
How many son's did Jacob have? What was Jacob's name changed to?
What is 12?
What is Israel?
God spoke to Moses in the desert....from where did his voice come
What is burning bush
10 days after Jesus ascended into Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to the apostles. We call this day _____
What is Pentecost
Day before Ash Wednesday
What is Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, or Shrove Tuesday?
I staged the first known nativity scene to celebrate Christmas in 1223. I received the stigmata and founded the Franciscan Order and am the patron saint of animals
Who is St. Francis of Assisi?
I appeared to St. Juan Diego in 1531. Who am I?
Who is Our Lady of Guadalupe
What is the first prayer Jesus would have learned as a child?
What is the Shema?
Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone! Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deut 6:4-5
What did God provide for the sacrifice in place of Issac?
What is a ram
The 7 sacraments
What is baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, reconciliation, anointing of the sick, marriage and holy orders.
sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation and Eucharist
sacraments of healing: reconciliation/penance and anointing of the sick
sacraments of service: marriage and holy orders
Formula for determining date of Easter each year
What is the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs on or after the vernal (spring) equinox?
I am a former slave who is known for my works of charity and my devotion to the Eucharist and Sacred Heart of Jesus. My title is servant of God. I am entombed at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver, CO
Who is Julia Greeley?
Servant of God is the first stage of the canonization process, when a person's life is considered for sainthood. Archbishop Samuel Aquila signed papers declaring Julia as servant of God, and officially launched her on the road to sainthood on August 4, 2016.
Number of words spoken by St. Joseph (foster Father of Jesus) recorded in scripture
What is None?
None of St. Joseph's words are recorded in scripture. St. Joseph is patron saint of the universal church; families and fathers; workers; expectant mothers and unborn children; happy death; social justice; immigrants; travelers; house hunters