What is the name of the priest of St.Philopateer church?
Abouna Karas
Why does Abouna only use 1 orbana during liturgy?
There was only one body of Christ
Who were the first two people that came to see the tomb?
Mary Magdalene and other Mary
True or False. We have to do all 7 sacraments in order to go to heaven
When is Reserection Feast this year?
April 16th
What are the 3 shapes of the church?
What do deacons symbolize?
On what day of the holy week did Judas plan to betray Jesus and turn him in?
Which sacrament is the door to all the rest of the sacraments?
How many oceans are in the world?
What does the word "Gospel" mean?
Great News
What is considered the first church?
St. Mark's upper room
True or False. Jesus cleansed out the temple on Monday of the holy week.
What are the 7 sacraments?
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession, Unction of the sick, Matrimony, Priesthood
What is the 4rd planet from the sun?
What did God create on the fourth day?
Sun, moon, and stars
What does Abouna going around the church with incense symbolize?
Symbolizes prayers rising up to heaven
"Hosanna" is a Hebrew word that means................?
Lord of salvation
How many times are we anointed with the myron oil?
36 times
It belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do. What is it?
Your name
How many books are in the Old Testament?
How many holes are in the orbana? What does each hole represent?
5; How many holes are in the orbana? What does each hole represent?
Who said this verse and to whom? "O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken"
Jesus to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus
How old does a baby BOY have to be before getting baptized?
40 days Old
How many zeros are in one trillion?
12 zeros