Life skills
October Trivia
Whatś my job?
O words
Halloween Math

The appropriate way to answer the phone in MIR 5 classroom is.

What is   Hello MIR 5 this is _____ speaking.

This song, first released by Michael Jackson in 1982, remains one of the most popular Halloween songs and dances of all time

What is Thriller?


I am in charge of keeping a building clean and everything is working order.

(Hint:  Lachen is the best one I know)

What is a custodian?


This nocturnal bird includes over 200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, a large, broad head, binocular vision, binaural hearing, sharp talons, and feathers adapted for silent flight.

What is an OWL?


He returns to Camp Crystal Lake to find people to terrorize.  He will walk 4 miles along the west side of the island and 2 miles along its northern coast before walking 5 miles across the island.  He has walked his many miles?

What is Jason Voorhees has walked 11 miles?


Everyone burps and farts.. The appropriate response to accidently doing so at work or school is this. 

What is says excuse me and pardon yourself to restroom if you need to?


The October birth flower is

a) Sunflower

b) Marigold

c) Rose

What is the marigold?


A person handling payments and receipts in a store

What is a cashier?


This is the noise a Pig makes

What is OINK?


 He visits Christmastown and returns will 12 gifts.  If he gives 8 of the gifts away, he will have this many left?

What is Jack Skellington will have 4 gifts left?


True or False. While in the doctor's waiting room, it is okay to ask people why they are waiting to see the doctor or tell them in detail why you are there.

What is FALSE?  This is personal information and shouldnt be asked about or shared.


Puritans associated this COLORED ANIMAL with witchcraft and are now sometimes considered bad luck

What is a black cat?


This type of doctor checks your eyes and can help you get the right prescription of glasses.

What is an optometrist?


The Atlantic and Pacific are examples of these bodies of water

What are OCEAN?


He is able to haunt 4 people a night in their dreams.  How many people will be haunt in a 7 day week?

Who is Freddy Krueger can haunt 28 people a week?


When out in the community, you should do this when approaching a door and someone is close behind you.

What is hold the door open for them?


The Space Age begin October 4th, 1957 when Russia launched the first satellite into orbit named ______.

a)  Buddy

b) Apollo

c) Sputnik

What is Sputnik?


someone whose job is to repair things like toilets and baths or connect water pipes 

What is a plumber?


This is another word for smell..  think about after you sweat you have body _____.

What is ODOR?


He has terrorized 45 people over the past 15 years.  This means he terrorizes this many people a year on average.

What is Michael Myers terrorizes 3 people a year?


What are three examples of things you should do everyday for hygiene purposes?

What is shower, put on deodorant, brush hair, brush teeth, groom beard..etc?


On October 31, 1941 this National Memorial containing 60-foot-tall sculptures of the heads of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt was completed after 14 years of work. 

a) Mount Washington

B) Mount Rushmore

c) Lincoln Memorial

What is Mount Rushmore?

a person who works in a shop that sells cut flowers and plants for inside the house

What is a florist?


A stop sign is in the shape of an _____

What is OCTAGON?


He travels from garage sale to garage sale looking for knives.  He finds two knives for $5.00 a piece at one home and another for $4.00 next door and then at the last garage sale he finds a really nice knife for $7.50.  He spends this much in total.

What is Chucky spends $16.50?
