2.39 Drug/Alcohol Testing
2.43 Radio Communications
Random 2
Random 3

Testing requests are “For Cause” meaning circumstances are present indicative of drug/alcohol use. Typically for cause testing would include what factors?                                                  



Observable, abnormal or unusual behavior, or other qualifying event as defined in the Medical Center’s Substance Abuse Policy.                                                    




What type of voice should be used when transmitting

A calm, even voice will be used when transmitting.                                                    




Supervisors should not approve leave and or other absences (training, schedule adjustments, etc.) that excuses more than...                                                   



2 members from normal activity on a given day. Exceptions to this guideline should be discussed with an operations manager for consideration of alternate staffing (re-assignment from another squad, etc).                                                    




Newsworthy” Event – Those events, occurring on or off Medical Center properties, which are likely to be of interest to media resources to include events such as...                                                    




Major violent crimes, incidents involving multiple fatalities, or those likely to draw media attention based on the current political or activist environment.                                                    





When entering patient care areas personnel should stop where?




At nursing stations and make staff aware of security presence on the unit.




Security will maintain what type of contact with the employee?

(In Sight) with the employee at all times. Personnel will be observant to detect any attempt to dispose of evidence or otherwise influence testing. Personnel will note (to include times) anything placed in the employee’s mouth or other activity that might influence testing.                                                    




Back-up, or assisting units will be limited to no more than?                                           



2 units unless otherwise directed by a shift supervisor. Unassigned units should cancel response assigned units when staffing is sufficient to handle the call.                                           




What is the department Mission Statement

Safety through Service


Who will coordinate contact with media representatives.




Communications Marketing & Media staff.




Personnel will report identified safety hazards/violations to the ECC. List at least 8, there are 12.



1.Concrete that has buckled or cracked or is otherwise a trip hazard. 

2.Covered smoke heads in construction areas during non-working periods.

3.Broken Receptacles or Equipment 

4.Tripping Hazards
5. Missing or Under-Charged Fire Extinguishers
6. Frayed Electrical Cords
7. Malfunctioning Equipment (Elevators, smoking floor sweepers, etc.) 

8.Water or Body Fluids on the Floor
9. Exterior/Interior Light Outages/Malfunctions
10. Shrubbery or equipment blocking exits
11. Materials or equipment obstructing corridors
12. Unauthorized items used to block/hold doors in open positions.





Although required as a condition of employment, tests are voluntary. As such, consent for the test may be revoked at any time. Failure to follow the process can result in adverse employment action only. What should an officer do if a employee is non-compliant?                                         





Security Officers are not to intervene to prevent an employee from leaving or not participating. They are to immediately report any violation of the procedures or failure to follow directions and document observations.                                           




A shift supervisor will respond to all calls involving response by more than how many officers?                                           



More than three (3) Security personnel.                                            




Security Services personnel are responsible for reporting their non- arrival for their scheduled shift at least how far out.                                           



4 Hours


Amateur photography is allowed in what area. (People taking pictures) 



Amateur photography is allowed in areas in which the public typically has unrestricted access. Areas do not include clinical / research areas. Typically photography of individuals occurs with their consent and there is no object to being photographed.




How many types of Searches do we have?

3 types: 

1.Patient Search, A patient search is a search of a patient and their clothing and belongings for the purpose of identifying and securing restricted items.   

  2. Belongings Search, A search of all items which are the identified property of a patient or visitor.               

3. Consent Search, A search which is conducted with the expressed consent/permission of the person to be searched.













If the manager/supervisor elects to relieve the employee of duty for the day or otherwise suspend Security personnel will assist how?                                           



Arranging transportation. The employee may arrange their own transportation, accept transportation from Security, or utilize public transportation (taxi, etc.) Security personnel will clearly advise the employee that they should not operate a vehicle.                                            




Personnel will not use what communication methods to transfer information regarding call response and activity.                                            



cell phones, land lines, texting, email, etc.                                            





Failure to attend scheduled training or staff meetings without notification and/or permission of a supervisor is considered?



No Call- No Show.



Commercial or News Media Photographers are permitted only when accompanied by



 Communications, Marketing & Media Department representatives. Security personnel should be tactful in engaging media or commercial photographers in public areas and request appropriate assistance in controlling such activity.





Nursing personnel will not engage in search of who?








The Security Vehicle will be used to transport the employee if needed. Who should accompany security?                                           



The involved manager/supervisor or HR representative should accompany security personnel in the security vehicle. Security personnel will advise the ECC of beginning and ending mileage for each segment of the transport. Security personnel will not transport employees alone.                                            




When called to respond to an assignment, security personnel will acknowledge by stating what?                                                   



Their call number and current location                                                    





It is intended that all personnel working a designated shift be permitted a meal break. Both ECC and Security personnel are compensated for all scheduled work time to include how long for a standard shift.



30 minutes.



Security personnel may request any person cease in photographing activity on Medical Center property. Failure to stop recording in public areas may not be the basis for removal from property. If cooperation is not achieved (the involved party refuses), personnel should consider




Trespass or appropriate assistance from law enforcement.



What are the 3 types of evidence for collection?

Clothing, Foreign Bodies, and Medical Examiner  
