Who really liked Joseph?
His father Jacob (Israel)
Did Joseph deserve to go to jail? Did he actually do anything wrong?
After Pharoah's dream, Joseph gives him a plan on what to do. Does Pharoah listen to Joseph?
How many sons did Noah have?
I am something you might read when you’re sitting in a pew. I contain two testaments: one that’s old and one that’s new. What am I?
What did Joseph's brothers think of him?
Annoying and did not like him
Joseph interpreted two dreams, one from the cupbearer and one from the baker. Who's dream meant that they were going to live?
When Pharaoh tells Joseph to interpret his dream, he says he is not the one who interprets them. Then who does?
In the story of Daniel and the lions den, who shut the mouths of the lions?
I was created so Adam wouldn’t be alone. The way that God made me was by using Adam’s rib bone. Who am I?
What did the brothers first want to do with Joseph?
Kill him
Joseph interpreted two dreams, one from the cupbearer and one from the baker. Who's dream meant that they were going to die once they got out of jail?
Joseph was originally a slave and a prisoner. After interpreting Pharoah's dream, what does he become in the ranking?
second most powerful individual in the country
When Moses went on Mount Sinai, what did God give him?
When I was tasked with what seemed impossible, I didn’t just refuse and frown. I marched the people round Jericho and the walls came tumbling down. Who am I?
Where was Joseph sold to?
Slavery in Egypt
Who were the two people in the jail with Joseph?
Baker and cupbearer
What do Pharoah's dreams mean?
7 good years of crops and then 7 years of famine
Where did Adam and Eve live?
On his arc, how many of each animal did Moses bring?
None, Noah brought animals not Moses
How old was Joseph when he was sold into slavery?
Why was Joseph taken out of jail?
Pharaoh had a dream that needed to be interpreted
Pharoah had two dreams with the same meaning. Explain what happens in one of the dreams
7 skinny hungry cows ate 7 fat cows
7 thin grains ate 7 full grains
What was the name of the angel who told Mary she was going to be giving birth to Jesus?
Angel Gabriel
It’s not a person nor an animal but He’s got a face. Who is he?