Ratio Math 10:1
Do's and Don'ts
Game Ideas
Allergies and ICP's
It's All Relative

If you and 1 other counselor have a group of 13 children, what is the minimum amount of children you should take if one child needs to use the bathroom?



You have 3 children with you at the bathroom, how many should you allow into the bathroom at one time, if one child needs to use the bathroom?



Wonder ball is a good game for what age group(s)

Kindergarten and 1st grade


What does ICP stand for?

Individual Care Plan


Your cell phone rings what should you do?

You tell your SC and take the call out of program space


You have 27 children and  2 other counselors with you in your group what is the minimum amount of children you should take, if one child needs to use the bathroom?



A 6th grader just made a connection with you about video games and asks for your gamer tag. What must you say?

 NO- Code of Conduct/Web Log


Mafia (the circle game) is a good activity for what age group(s)

4th-6th grade


What is the purpose of an ICP?

To inform staff of any special care plans that a child may need in order to provide them with the best possible care. (Behaviors, allergies, asthma etc.) 


The site phone rings, what do you do?

Answer it and say "YMCA aftercare", this is ______.


If you have 34 children and 3 other counselors with you in your group. What is the minimum amount of children you should take if one child needs to use the bathroom?



What should you do if during a head count a child isn't there when you call their name?

Double check with co-staff, ask SC if the child left, count again


Legos is a good activity for what age group(s)

All ages!!!


What is the purpose of signing an ICP?

To show that you read and understand the plan for that specific child


What do you do if a fire alarm goes off?

Tell the kids to stop what they're doing, line up, check the bathroom, take the clipboard, phone, first aid, meds, kid files and go to your meeting location outside the school


If you have 9 children in your group what is the minimum amount of children you should take to the bathroom?



An older gentleman comes to pick up a child and the child runs up to him and says "grandpa". What do you do?

Ask for ID/check it in binder and see if their listed, or ask for help


Survivor kickball is a good activity for what age group(s)

2nd and 3rd and 4th-6th


A child has an unexplained rash that developed on their arm, what should you do?

Ask if they got bit, had a shot etc. Put a wet paper towel on it, tell site coordinator, call parent!


You are the only group in the cafeteria at your school site what expectations should you go over with them, what should you do to get ready?

Have your group use indoor voices and position self to see all exits and all children


If you have a group of 12 kids with one other counselor in your group, what is the minimum amount you should be taking to the bathroom?



It is snack time and a child asks if they can eat a snack they brought from home, what do you say?

Yes as long as you check the ingredients because of peanut and tree-nut allergies


Tag games are a good game for what age group(s)

K-1 and 2-3, however if you get creative enough you can potentially play with 4-6


If there is a custody agreement in place and a parent comes to pick up and it is NOT their slotted time/day what should you do?

Remind the parent of the custody agreement, tell supervisor call other parent


Some of the kids in your group are playing Gladiator Dodgeball and you hear an argument breaking out, what should you do?

you walk over to the group and stop the game, ask what is happening, talk to the children arguing, depending on the argument potentially ending the game for the day
