This Day in History
The Human Body
The Salem Witch Trials
TV Catchphrases

On this day in history in 1979, she, the founder of a Roman Catholic order of women dedicated to the poor and particularly to the destitute of India, was named the recipient of that year's Nobel Prize for Peace. 

Who is Mother Teresa?


Excalibur, in Arthurian legend, is King Arthur's sword. In some versions of the story, it is given to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake. In others he gets his weapon this way.

What is he pulls it from the stone?


Infants have 300 bones in their bodies. As we grow several of our bones fuse together, and by adulthood the human body has this number of bones.

What is 206?


The Salem Witch Trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in this British colony between February 1692 and May 1693. 

What is the Massachusetts Bay Colony?


From the 1960s through the early 1990s, he said “Heeeeere’s Johnny!” every weeknight.

Who is Ed McMahon?


On this day in history in 1939, The American classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, starring this actor, had its world premiere; although it angered the political establishment, the drama won wide acclaim from the public and film industry. 

Who is Jimmy Stewart?


Arthur held court of Camelot, and he gathered his loyal knights around this. 

What is his Round Table?


It takes 17 facial muscles to perform this action, but 43 to do its opposite.

What is Smile?

This famous play tells the story of the Salem Witch Trials.

What is The Crucible? 


This family was known for their distinctive bedtime routine that began with “Good night, John-Boy.”

Who are the Waltons?


On this day in history in 1918, American actress Rita Hayworth, whose portrayal of seductresses helped earn her this nickname, was born. 

What is "The Love Goddess"?


In Arthurian legend, she is a queen of Britain and the wife of Arthur.

Who is Guinevere?


This is the human body's biggest organ.

What is skin?


If convicted of "witchcraft," one could expect to meet their end by this fate.

What is hanging?


The phrase “Danger, Will Robinson!” was famously uttered by a robot on this 1960s show.

What is Lost in Space?


On this day in history in 1777, British General John Burgoyne surrendered his troops following his shocking defeat in the Second Battle of Saratoga during this war.

What is the American Revolutionary War?


In Arthurian Legend, Sir Gawain, who is King Arthur's nephew, married a lady who was is afflicted with this curse.

What is ugliness?


If stretched out, this organ would reached 7 meters in an adult.

What is the Small Intestine?


This is the number of convicted "witches" that were hanged.

What is 19?


Elaine introduced us to the phrase “yada, yada” in "The Yada Yada" episode of this hit 90s show was supposed to be a one-time, 90-minute special, but it ran for 172 episodes. 

What is Seinfeld?


On this day in history in 1854, British and French troops began the Siege of Sevastopol during this war. 

What is the Crimean War?


This is the author who brought the figure of King Arthur into literature in Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain), written in Latin and published between 1135 and 1139? 

Who is Geoffrey of Monmouth?


The malleus, incus, and stapes are the smallest bones in the human body, and they are located here.

What is in the middle ear? or ear?


More than 200 people were accused of "witchcraft" during the Salem Witch Trials. Thirty people were found guilty, nineteen of whom were executed by hanging (fourteen women and five men). At least five people died in the disease-ridden jails. One man, Giles Corey, died by crushing under torture after refusing to enter a plea. This is the phrase Corey said every time he was asked to enter a plea. 

What is "More Weight"?


This child actor often said, “What’choo talkin’ ’bout, Willis?”

Who is Gary Coleman?
