In a fraction, the number above the line is the numerator & the number below it is this?
What is the Denominator
While attending private school, this maroon 5 lead singer formed his first band, Kara's Flowers?
Who is Adam Levine
Football games are a big part of this fall tradition at high schools where past graduates return?
What is homecoming
Among these dogs, the water type has a poodle like coat while the cocker's is long and silky?
What is Spaniels
On "Stranger Things", Millie Bobby Brown plays this numerically named character?
Who is Eleven
The exact value of this, the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter can't be written down?
What is PI
She told 2008 GOP National Convention that the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull was lipstick?
Who is Sarah Palin
In the northern hemisphere, the first day of fall falls in this month?
What is September
Zues, the tallest dog ever at 44 inches in height was this breed that originated in Germany, not Denmark?
What is Great Dane
In 2017 Netflix welcomed Jerry Seinfeld and his series "comedians in cars getting" this ?
What is coffee
The Average value of a set of numbers, or a synonym for cruel?
What is Mean
He funded his first campaign for mayor of New York City with over $68 million of his own money?
Who is Michael Bloomberg
Almost called the fall harvest latte, this fan favorite at Starbucks debuted in 2003?
What is the Pumpkin Spice Latte
Clocked at over 40 miles per hour, the fastest breed of dog can outrun racehorses?
What is the Greyhound
DJ and Kimmy's high school reunion and Curse of Tanner Manor" are episodes of this sitcom?
What is Fuller House
5 cubed equals this?
What is 125
In the 1974 boxing match known as "The rumble in the jungle", Muhammad Ali defeated this man?
Who is George Foreman?
It's a small bite, or a touch of cold in the air on the Autumn night?
What is a Nip
In the early 19th century, Barry, a dog of this breed saved more than 40 people in the Swiss Alps?
what is St. Bernard
She sparks joy as the host of "Tidying Up"
Who is Marie Kondo
This word describes an angle that measures between 90 & 180 degrees?
What is obtuse
The author of "The joy luck club" once gave a ted talk on creating something out of nothing?
Who is Am Tan
To change color, leaves slow down and stop production of this green pigment?
What is Chlorophyll
This breed of sporting dog that originated in Newfoundland was brought to England by Fishermen around 1800?
What is the Labrador (retriever)
Gourmet food from around the world takes center stage on the documentary series "Chef's This?
What is Table
What is the only number that has the same number of letters as it’s meaning?
What is Four
What is celebrated on February 2 and is also a film?
What is Groundhog Day
In colonial times, what were apples called?
What is Winter bananas or a melt-in-the-mouths
Which crossbred dog was made to be a hypoallergenic guide dog for a blind woman?
What is the labradoodle
What was the first original series that Netflix produced?
What is The House of Cards
Which number is considered a “magic number?”
What is Nine
Who described his paintings as "hand-painted dream photographs?"
Who is Salvador Dali
What do you call a male turkey?
What is a gobbler
With a long, low body perfect for underground tunnels, which dog was bred to attack badgers in their dens?
What is the Dachshund
Who plays the role of Queen Elizabeth II in the first two seasons of ‘The Crown’?
Who is Claire Foy
Final Travel & Tourism
Souvenirs sold at this landmark have included 1962 World's Fair Glassware and Mugs Boasting "I Made it to the Top"
What is the Space Needle