The Prophet
Scripture Masteries
Music from Conference

These were the sessions in which the prophet attended in person.

What are Saturday afternoon, and Sunday afternoon sessions?


This scripture was referred to by Elder Patrick Kearon, and Elder Gary E Stephenson reminding us that "Men are that they might have joy."

What is 2 Nephi 2:25?


This is the official name of the choir that sang in 3 of the 5 general conference sessions.

What is the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square?


Jeffrey R. Holland began his talk telling us a story of men including many Roman soldiers that were looking for Jesus. This is what happened that made them step back and fall to the earth.

What is, after finding out they sought Jesus, he declared "I am He"?


Of the new temples announced, this is the one that is closest to Ringgold, GA.

What is Huntsville, AL?


This event is what the prophet told us to prepare for now.

What is the second coming of Jesus Christ?


These words, originally given to us by King Benjamin was quoted by and referred to by David P Homer, D. Todd Christofferson, and Ulisses Soares, teach us to "becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."

What is Mosiah 3:19?


This was the choir that sang in the Saturday afternoon session that wore all white and sang many powerful songs including Gethsemane.

What is a children's choir from northern Utah?


Quentin L. Cook told how he and his wife saw a t-shirt which said "Book: the original handheld device". He spoke about the scriptures and their influence on our lives, but this is what he said would have greater influence on us than any handheld device.

What is the guidance through the Holy Ghost?


This is how many new temples were announced by President Nelson.

What is 17?


In a story told by the prophet, this is how his life was threatened.

What is while visiting another country, being confronted by armed robbers, having a gun pointed to his head and the robber pulling the trigger?


This scripture is how Elder Aroldo B. Cavalcante began his talke and it teaches us "when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."

What is Mosiah 2:17?


This was the choir that sang in the Saturday evening session. They began by singing a stirring version of "We'll Bring the World His Truth".

What is a missionary choir from missions in the Utah area?


In the first talk of conference, Elder Anderson told two stories, one of a young couple that fell away from the church and the husband dying, and another of his own grandson that died before he was able to serve a mission from heart complications. This was what he said made the difference in how the surviving family members responded to the tragedies.

What is Hope?


In his talk, Bradley R. Wilcox, compared our journey on earth to a great cruise ship. This is the roll that he said we have been called to take.

What is a member of God's crew?


This is the most crucial question.

To whom or what will I give my life?


Elder Neil L. Anderson spoke of this and quoted 2 Nephi 31:20 saying that we needed to have "a perfect brightness of ____"

What is Hope?


This is the new host for Music and the Spoken Word. He also visited our stake center during the recent watch party.

Who is Derrick Porter?


This apostle told the story of his grandparents finding and joining the church in Sweden.

Who is Dale G. Renlund?


In the Saturday Evening session, Elder Jorge M. Alvarado spoke with energy and passion. He told a story of a woman in Puerto Rico named Celia who was robbed. Later she received a letter from the thief. This is what changed the thief's life and even made him return her $5.

What is the Book of Mormon?


These are the promises made by the prophet.

What are every sincere seeker of Jesus Christ will find Him in the temple, you will feel his mercy and find answers to your most vexing questions. You will better comprehend the joy of His gospel?


This scripture mastery was referred to by Emily Bell Freeman, the young womens general president. It was a revelation for Emma Smith and helped her to know her place in the growing church, giving her purpose.

What is D&C 25? (verse 12)


This hymn was the closing hymn for the Sunday morning session and began with a solo.

What is The Spirit of God?


This apostle spoke on joy. He spoke about joyful reverence, and finding joy in our sacrament meetings and in our worship. He told us to not get stuck in the tomb.

Who is Patrick Kearon?


Sister Kristin M. Yee told of a time she painted a picture of the Savior. She talked about all the prayer, study, and effort she put in to this painting and how hard it was. When she was done, she applied varnish too soon, smearing a part of the painting. This is the lesson that she taught from this experience.

What is repentance? We are not defective, but there is more work to be done.
