Hispanic Heritage
Rosh Hashanah
Indigenous People's DAY

When is Hispanic Heritage Month ?

Sept 15-Oct15

September 15 marks the Independence Day of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Mexico honors its Independence Day on September 16, followed by Chile on September 18 and Belize on September 21.


What is celebrated during Rosh Hashanah ?

Jewish New Year!


Did you know that some adults pretend not to be home! Polls tell us that _____ do this

a. 1 in 5              c. 1 in 3

b. 1 in 4              d. 1 in 10

A 2021 YouGov poll found that about one in five adults (or 21% of participants) keep the porch lights off and pretend not to be home when the trick-or-treaters come knocking


What is Indigenous People's Day?

It celebrates the culture and history of Indigenous peoples.


answer this multiple choice:

Spanish is the _________ most spoken non-English language in the US.

a. 3rd              c. 2nd

b. 5th              d. 1st

As of 2024, Spanish is the second most spoken non-English language in the United States. Over 40 million people in the U.S. speak Spanish.


what is important/ different with the challah bread during this celebration

we have circle challah bread


Halloween ranked ______ largest commercial holiday in the country.

a. 1st               c. 3rd

b.2nd               d. 4th

Only Christmas rakes in more dough. According to the National Retail Federation, it's alleged that consumers spent a record $12.2 billion, exceeding the record-breaking $10.6 billion recorded in 2022. It's also reported that a record 73% of people participated in Halloween activities, up from 69% in 2022.


When is Indigenous Peoples' Day?

Indigenous Peoples' Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October. which is why we are off on the 11th!!!!!!!!!!


In total how many Hispanic countries are we celebrating ?

a. 10          c. 30

b. 6            b. 20

In total, there are 20 Hispanic countries and one territory: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela.


Name three important food that we eat during the celebration

apples, Challah, honey and pomegranate


How expensive is Halloween ? On average people spend ______ on candy, decoration and costumes!

a. 100          c. 110

b. 200          d. 108

It's estimated on average that people spent $108 per person on candy, decorations and costumes, with numbers reaching overall $4.1 billion on costumes, $3.6 billion on candy, $3.9 billion on decorations and half a billion on greeting cards alone.


Name three common food that we eat on this day

Corn, wild rice, squash, tomatoes, beans and potatoes all have a featured role in many indigenous dishes. Because food ties so closely to place, celebrating Indigenous peoples through food means also acknowledging the lands you occupy.


Which non speaking country is included in Hispanic Heritage celebration. 

 Non-Spanish-speaking countries like Brazil (who primarily speak Portuguese) are often included in Hispanic Heritage celebrations due to their cultural connection to Latin America.


What is a Shofar

an animal horn, usually a ram, used as a trumpet. 


This is the most popular costumes 

Barbie was one of the most popular costumes for adults last year, following the success of the Barbie movie which premiered in July 2023, but princesses and superheroes still continue to be top choices, followed by witches, fairies and dinosaurs according to Google Trends.


When did Indigenous Peoples' Day become a federal holiday.

In 2021, President Joe Biden officially proclaimed Indigenous Peoples' Day a federal holiday. However, South Dakota is believed to be the first state to have officially recognized the day (as Native American Day) in 1990.
