October Happening
October Babies
October Music
October, October
Fall Fare

Every year, Canada celebrates this holiday on the second Monday of October, and the United States celebrates the same holiday on the fourth Thursday of November.

What is Thanksgiving? In Canada, Protestants petitioned the colonial government to establish the holiday to thank God for the harvest. The holiday feast is much the same in both countries.


This is the spookiest date of the year for children.

What is October 31? Halloween is full of ghosts, goblins, and trick-or-treating. It began as a Celtic tradition marking the end of summer.


Born October 11, 1884, she was the wife of one American president and the niece of another.

a) Jackie Kennedy    b) Eleanor Roosevelt    c) Barbara Bush

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt? 

Her husband was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and her uncle was Theodore Roosevelt. She championed racial equality, women’s rights, war refugees, and children. She wrote a daily newspaper column and was a delegate for the United Nations.


This October baby sang and danced The Twist.

Chubby Checker

How many days does October have?



Apples dipped in this sweet, melted topping are a fall

What is caramel? After dipping, you can sprinkle
with nuts and other toppings.


Red delicious, yellow delicious, and Roma varieties of this fruit are harvested in October

What are apples?


The night before Halloween is when children would prank their neighborhood by throwing eggs, toilet papering property, soap car windows, and leave old, stinky cabbage by neighbors' doors.

What is Mischief Night?


Bill Gates was born October 28, 1955. What company did he co-found?

a) Microsoft    b) Apple    c) Samsung   



This "Blueberry Hill" singer passed away October 24, 2017 at age 89.

Fats Domino


This Jewish High Holy Day, which is the day of atonement, occurs on October 12 in 2024.

1) Hanukkah   2) Yom Kippur    3)Passover

What is Yom Kippur? The High Holy Days run for 10 days, starting with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and ending with Yom Kippur.


This orange king of winter squashes is used to make

What is pumpkin? By the time October rolls around, you’ll see everything pumpkin in the stores—pumpkin beer, nuts, muffins, pumpkin spice latte, etc.


The largest beer festival in the world which happens in Bavaria every fall

What is a Oktoberfest? 

Held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, it's a 16-18 day folk festival running from mid-September to around the first Sunday in October, with more than six million visitors attending the event.


This is the only holiday that surpasses Halloween in annual consumer sales.



This October baby was a bigtime slugger, known as "The Mick".

a) Mick Donald     b) Mickey Mantle     c) Mick Jagger

Mickey Mantle


This "Queen of Rock and Roll" relinquished her US citizenship in October 2013. She lived in Switzerland until she died there in May 2023.

a) Diana Ross    b) Tina Turner   c) Whitney Houston

Tina Turner


The birth flower for October

What is a marigold?


These sprouts make their debut in fall.

What are brussels sprouts? Did you know they’re miniature cabbages?


Henry Ford introduced the Model T on October 1, 1908. What color was it?

a) White    b) Black    c) Blue    d) Red

Black. Henry Ford said, "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black."


This famous magician and escape artist passed away on Halloween, 1926 in Detroit, Michigan.

Who is Harry Houdini?

The bronze casket Houdini created for his stunt "Buried Alive" was used to transport his body from Detroit to New York following his death.


Born October 31, 1936, he starred in three popular TV series: Bonanza, Little House on the Prairie, and Highway to Heaven.

Who is Michael Landon?


This Beatles singer sued the US government, alleging that he and his lawyer were bugged and wiretapped.

a) John Lennon    b) Paul McCartney   c) Ringo Starr

John Lennon


October's full moon is called? 

Hint: It begins with an "H" but isn't Harvest Moon (September's Full Moon)

Hunter's Moon (October 17th).  This will be the third of four Super Full Moon in a row.  Super Full Moon looks larger and brighter due to be at its closets point to the Earth.  


This squash can be used in place of pasta by the same name.

What is spaghetti? Spaghetti squash and butternut squash are examples of winter squash.


On October 17, 1939, he starred in the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. However, you may also recognize his post-WWII work as the lead actor in It’s a Wonderful Life, and Alfred Hitchcock classics such as Rear Window and Vertigo.

Who is Jimmy Stewart? 

A licensed amateur pilot, Stewart enlisted in the Army Air Forces soon after the US entered the Second World War in 1941. After action in Europe, he attained the rank of colonel and received several awards for his service.


This famous Halloween candy was created in the 1880's and was originally named "Chicken Feed".

What is Candy Corn?


Artist Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881. What was his nationality?

a) French   b) Italian   c) Spanish

Spanish. He was Spanish but spent most of his adult life in France.


This singer's "I Want to Be Wanted" reached #1.

a) Bonnie Francis    b) Brenda Lee   c) Ricky Nelson

Brenda Lee


This is one of October’s birthstones.

What is opal? Opal derives from the Greek word opallios, which means “to see a change of color.”


This is the generic name for a hot alcoholic beverage.

What is hot toddy? Hot buttered rum is an example of a hot toddy.


On October 18, 1867, the United States took possession of this cold, what is now the 49th state.

What is Alaska? The United States purchased it from Russia, and it became a state in 1959. The easiest way to remember that Alaska became a state before Hawaii is to remember that A comes before H. Both states were territories before they became states.


People suffering from 'Sanhainophobia' are terrified of this

a) Ghosts    b) Halloween    c) Witches    d) Being scared

What is Halloween?

The term traces its roots to an ancient Gaelic/Celtic festival called Samhain that began some 2,000 years ago and marks the end of the Harvest season.


This October baby was a motorcycle daredevil.

Evel Knievel


This 12-time blond Grammy winner is re-released an album on October 27, 2023 with 5 new songs.

Taylor Swift


This is one of the zodiac signs ruling October.

What is Libra or Scorpio? Libras are born in the earlier part of the month, and Scorpios are born in the latter part of the month.


Lighter summer spaghetti dishes are fortified by adding this protein.

What is beef or meat? Meatballs added to spaghetti make it a heartier dish for colder days.
