Salmon are famous for the great treks they make from the ocean upstream to rivers, where they spawn. What is this called, when animals move from one place to another?
Bats are known for their ability to fly, and for being active at night. What is the scientific term for when animals are active at night? 100pts extra for when an animal is active at day, and 300 for naming for when they're active throughout the day or at dawn/dusk.
Nocturnal (diurnal) (cathemeral; crepuscular)
Dogs are descended from what wild howling relatives?
Black cats were historically signs of what?
Bad luck
What cephalopods with eight tentacles are some of the smartest animals on Earth?
Which famously slow mammals have up to ten neck vertebrae, compared to the normal of seven?
Crocodiles, lizards, snakes, turtles, tuatara... they're all what?
Reptiles (and so are birds!)
Frogs use what body parts, located on their head, to help them swallow?
What rodent is known for hoarding and stashing acorns and other nuts, helping to grow new trees?
Which birds that travel in murders are some of the smartest animals in the world?
Southern Africa is home to what flightless aquatic birds that sound like donkeys?
Raccoons are known for what action they seem to do with their food?
Washing their food
Bats aren't blind, but tend to use what instead to find their prey?
Spiders are arachnids, meaning they have eight legs. Name another type of arachnid (extra points for more).
Scorpions, harvestmen (daddy long legs), ticks, mites, pseudoscorpions, camel spiders, whip spiders, whip scorpions, hooded tickspiders
True or false? A cat's kidneys are so efficient they can hydrate by drinking saltwater.
True! (please don't give them saltwater though)
What is a male sheep called and what is a female sheep called?
Ram/wether & ewe
Lemurs can only be found in the wild on what island off of Africa, the fourth largest in the world?
What type of dog (there's a couple different breeds) are typically a mix of bulldogs, bullys, or pit terriers?
The largest bats in the world are named flying ___ for what animal with a long, pointy snout they resemble?
What is the cross between a horse and a donkey called?
For 100pts each, name what you would call the babies of these farm animals:
1. Cow
2. Horse
3. Sheep
4. Goat
5. Pig
Calf, foal/colt, lamb, kid, piglet
What type of bird, found in Illinois, comes in different species such as great horned, eastern screech, barred, northern saw-whet, and long-eared?
The Halloween pennant is what type of flying predatory insect?
What intelligent aquatic animal uses its arms and color changing abilities to mimic other sea animals, such as flatfish, lionfish, sea snakes, and jellyfish?
Mimic octopus