Force and Motion
What is the term for the triangle shaped piece of land at the end of a river where it meets with the ocean? a. delta b. tributary c. island d. plateau
What is a. delta?
In the evening, you go outside and the grass is dry. In the morning, the grass is wet. What has happened? a. evaporation b. deposition c. clouds d. condensation
What is d. condensation?
An object that is moving must have overcome the force of _________________. a. gravity b. inertia c. laziness d. stillness
What is a. gravity? (the only force listed)
A major problem with humans clearing land is __________. a. decreased habitat for animals b. increased water runoff c. increased pollution d. all of the above
What is d. all of the above?
What type of front separates two air masses that are NOT moving? a. warm front b. cold front c. stationary front d. occluded front
What is c. stationary front?
What is a long flowing body of water that runs across the land? a. tributary b. stream c. lake d. river
What is d. river?
When water droplets condense __________________. a. clouds form b. water dries up c. it rains d. it snows
What is a. clouds form?
You are walking in the hallway and an adult runs into you walking at the same speed. What will most likely happen? a. The adult will fall back. b. You will both fall down. c. You will fall back. d. You will both stop.
What is d. You will both stop.
A group of individuals of the same species that occupies a given area at the same time is a/an ________________. a. organism b. population c. community d. ecosystem
What is b. population?
A barometer shows you that air pressure is increasing. What kind of weather would you expect to see? a. clear skies b. fog c. thunderstorms d. rain
What is a. clear skies?
What is the term for the breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces of sand and sediment? a. erosion b. weathering c. deposition d. condensation
What is b. weathering?
Winds that affect all of the planet earth are called ______________. a. local winds b. global winds c. mountain breezes d. sea breezes
What is b. global winds?
A push or pull on an object is a/an ______________. a. inertia b. a bad idea c. force d. momentum
What is c. force?
Which of the following ecosystems would be least likely to exist in North Carolina? a. grassland b. forest c. lake d. salt marsh
What is a. grassland?
Which layer of the atmosphere, called the zone of weather, is closest to the Earth? a. stratosphere b. troposphere c. mesosphere d. thermosphere
What is b. troposphere?
What is the term for dropping or depositing sediment at a new location? a. delta b. erosion c. deposition d. weathering
What is c. deposition?
Stormy weather would most likely be associated with which of the following? a. cumulonimbus b. stratus c. cirrus d. cirrostratus
What is a. cumulonimbus?
A football player who runs before tackling someone has built up more _____________________ than if he had not been running before tackling. a. gravity b. inertia c. momentum d. force
What is c. momentum?
Some biotic factors of a community would include: a. trees b. rabbits c. owls d. all of the above
What is d. all of the above?
Which animal is an omnivore? a. a lion that eats deer and sheep b. a rabbit that eats weeds and grass c. a bear that eats berries and fish d. a shark that eats fish and seals
What is c. a bear that eats berries and fish?
What is the term for MOVING sediment from one place to another? a. deposition b. erosion c. weathering d. transportation
What is b. erosion?
Clouds that cover the sky in a layer and bring steady rain are called _____________________. a. cumulus b. stratus c. nimbus d. high
What is b. stratus?
Engineers can minimize the effect of drag on a race car by _______________________. a. making it bigger b. making the body more aerodynamic (shape) c. adding rougher surfaces d. making it smaller
What is b. making the body more aerodynamic?
The group of organisms that represents producers is: a. perch, frog, tadpole b. insect, crustacean, tadpole c. plant, tree, algae d. none of the above
What is c. plant, tree, algae?
An organism that feeds only producers is ______________. a. a carnivore b. an herbivore c. an omnivore d. a monster
What is b. an herbivore?