Something you should send to all trip leaders before the consultation
What is the risk assesment form
If a person is renting a piece of equipment for $5/day and they return it two days late, what will their late fee be? The late fee for this equipment piece is $5/day
What is $15? ($10 total late fee, $5 processing fee)
The new incoming co-coordinator of the ODP
Who is Char?
Do we allow drugs, alcohol, or nudity on ODP trips?
What is NO WE DO NOT
Do we do online sign ups?
What is no
Something new we added to all consultations last semester
What is land acknowledgements
Can someone pay a late fee with a card?
What is no they cannot
Someone wants to pay with a card, but the iPad swipe isn't working. What do you do?
What is use Touchnet on the computer and type in their card info manually
The last day for sign ups
What is Thursday, but it depends on whether or not the trip has reservations associated with it
The sign up day and time for this semester
What is Monday at 1:30
Things you should include in a leader checklist
(This is a long one)
What is pick up the gear, pick up gas packet, pick up SPOT, email participants, pick up cash advancement, pick up vans, call ranger station, fill out waiver, print driving directions, participant list, trail map, update trip form
Under what circumstances can leaders rent gear for free?
What is only if they don't reserve it ahead of time?
Where do we keep the card swipe and iPad at night?
What is in the locked safe in the coordinator office?
Can someone get a refund on a trip if they cancel?
what is yes, if someone cancels on a trip 2 business days ahead of time, they can have a full refund.
Signing someone up if they pay with a card
What is open Touchnet on the iPad or computer, have the person pay, then put their information on the sign up sheet and email them
Everything you're responsible for as a consultant for a trip
(This is a list)
Pre trip form
Creating sign up sheet
Making/having consultation
Sending out risk assessment form
Holding consultation
Making cash advancement
After how much time do we charge late/replacement/processing fees to a renter's student account?
What is two weeks?
Everything you should do when opening
(This is a long one)
What is bring out the water bottle tub, un-forward the phone, check rentmaster, check sticky notes, check email, put the sign outside, check the blue square in the gear closet, check Wunderlist, cash count, log into Touchnet
A trip leader is renting first aid kits for a trip and wants to return them on Tuesday instead of Monday so they have extra time to get it back. Is that allowed?
What is sure
What do you do differently if a student signs up for a trip with a scholarship?
What is "write scholarship" in the payment column AND log the student in the Scholarship Request Form (Reponses) doc
The deadline for a consultation
What is at least one full week before a trip goes out
What is the protocol when someone returns a tent?
(This is a long one)
Let them know they can clean the tent or be charged a cleaning fee if it's dirty or wet
Have the person initial the tent check-in sheet OR clean the tent themself
Set up the tent, sweep it out, dry if needed
Fill out the tent-check document in the drive
Decide whether or not to charge a cleaning/damage fee
Replace any missing parts
Put the tent away
Name five things you can do if there's nothing else to work on at the desk
What is:
Organize gear in the gear closet
Work on independent project
Organize bike shop
Brainstorm marketing tactics
Brainstorm new trips
Work on consultations
Make sure everyone signed up for trips has been emailed
Re-label gear in gear closet (if serial number has worn off)
Re-stock first aid kits
Look for things in gear closet that need to be replaced and email Howoll
Someone returns their gear but doesn't want to pay the late fee. They refuse to pay the fee for two weeks. Do they incur any additional charges?
What is they only pay the late fee and the processing fee, but the processing fee is is increased from $5 to $10. No additional charges are incurred before the fees are charged to their student account
The location of the iPad passwords
Sticky note in the green binder