Officer Etiquette
Naval Correspondence
Grooming Standards & PTU
Naval History: Revolutionary War and War 1812

This is the full name of the SAPR Program

What is Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program


Rendered from a position of attention, this gesture is generally given to senior officers while the member is covered.

What is a salute?


The closing used in correspondence to members more senior to yourself. 

What is Very Respectfully?


Uniform items that, while required to be purchased, are not to be worn unless instructed by your command.

What are prescribed uniform items?

The man considered the father of the US Navy.

Who is John Paul Jones?

This is the individual is a subject matter expert, responsible for managing and reporting Sexual Assault cases to leadership

Who is the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)?


The name of the communal room where the officer mess meets of which the command XO is president.

What is the wardroom?


An alphanumerical coding system used to identify the subject of a record.

What is a Standard Subject Identification Code (SSIC)?


The only type of hat authorized as an optional uniform item with the PTU.

What is a watch cap?

October 13, 1775.

What is the Navy's official birthday?


While individuals in a member's CoC are mandated reporters of sexual assault, these three groups of people are required to maintain complete anonymity. 

Who are Medical providers, chaplains and legal counsel?


The order of precedence of how the armed service flags are presented with the national ensign.

What is the Ensign, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard?


The four message precedence types of NTP-3 (with abbreviation) in order of decreasing importance.

What are Flash (Z), Immediate (O), Priority (P), and Routine (R)?


The three types of unauthorized hair styles as per Navy grooming standards.

What are conspicuous, faddish and eccentric hair styles?


State sponsored pirates which were used extensively by the US to raid British commerce ships.

What are privateers?


While members who file unrestricted and restricted reports have access to the same support resources, a restricted report does not trigger these four events.

What are a command notification of the victim's identity, a military protective order, an NCIS investigation, and a priority command transfer?


The procedure when entering the quarterdeck.

What is to stop at the end of the brow, face and salute the ensign, and face and salute the Officer of the Deck?


The type of correspondence used for communication with entities external to the DoD.

What is a Business Letter?


Female's hairstyles must be within these standards.

What is not protruding from the front of headgear, not falling below the collar and a bun less than 3"?


The famous last words of Captain James Lawrence of the USS Chesapeake that was later adopted as a flag by Captain Oliver Hazard Perry and remains a Navy slogan.

What is "Don't Give Up the Ship!"


A collateral duty that supports victims of sexual assault and also help staff a safe-help line.

Who is a Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Victim Advocate (SAPR VA)?


The conditions to fly the Ensign from the gaff during peacetime.

What is when the ship is getting underway, mooring or anchoring, falling in with other ships, engaged in battle, and cruising near land.


The types of documents which the CO/OIC cannot delegate to another authority.

What are documents which establish policy, address a higher authority, pertain to military justice, or are required by law?


Two things not authorized to do when walking in uniform.

What is eating and having hands in pockets?


Name of practice of capturing enemy sailors and forcing them into service aboard your own ship.

What is impressment?
