Preschool Language/Autism
School Age Language
Assessment Mix bag
Treatment Mixbag

The three bones of the middle ear are these. 

What are Malleus, Incus, and Stapes? 


Young children with autism may present with challenges regarding this language domain which is using smallest units of meaning and how they attach to words. 

What is morphology? 


This is a neurodevelopmental condition that impairs spoken language, is long-standing, and is not associated with any known casual condition? 

What is Developmental Language Disorder? 


This type of aphasia is caused by a stroke to the left posterior superior temporal gyrus and presents with problems in fluency, repetition and naming. 

What is Broca's Aphasia? 


This type of assessment will BEST inform your choices for intervention goals AND strategies. 

What is Dynamic Assessment? 


This type of language intervention is about using and understanding all aspects of language in the context of stories?

What is Narrative Intervention? 


This is the cranial nerve that is a part of the Auditory Pathway to the Primary Auditory Cortex.  

What is CV 8 (vestibulocochlear nerve)? 


 The three expected communicative intentions of infants and toddlers are requesting, calling, and this. 

What is greeting? 


This is the most advanced/complex phonemic awareness skill. 

What is manipulation (e.g., deleting phonemes)? 


This type of aphasia displays deficits in fluency, comprehension, repetition, and naming. 

What is Global Aphasia? 


The two most commonly used Aphasia Batteries are this and this. 

BDAE: Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination and Western Aphasia Battery 


This is an implicit learning technique in which the clinician recasts a child's attempt to use a grammatical morpheme, correcting any errors as they occur. 

What is Enhanced Conversational Recasting?


The type of hearing loss displayed in this audiogram

What is mixed hearing loss? 


The words stored in the long term semantic memory are referred to as this. 

What is lexicon? 


Using Tier ___ words as target words allows for connection with academic material

What are Tier 2 words? 


A aphasia client labeling "spoon" when looking at a fork is considered a ___ paraphasia. 

What is semantic? 


This refers to how well a test correctly identifies those who do have a disorder. 

What is sensitivity? 


A compensatory strategy for dysphagia for a patient who had a left CVA would be this, which would help during Component 6: Initiation of Pharyngeal swallow and Component 15: Tongue Base Retraction. 

What is a chintuck? (also allowed: head tilt/head turn)


AC (Test Ear) - Bone Conduction (Test Ear) ≥15 

is the equation to figure out if masking is needed in this type of conduction. 

What is bone conduction? 


The disturbance in eating manifested by failure to meet nutritional needs, with significant interference in psychosocial functioning, is known by this acronym.

What is ARFID? 


The best diagnosis for a sixth-grade boy with strong oral language comprehension abilities, but poor reading fluency and spelling difficulties is this. 

What is dyslexia? 


This type of dysarthria is commonly found in a patient who had a CVA that affected only one half of the brain. 

What is UUMN (Unilateral Upper Motor Nueron)  Dysarthria? 

If the stroke was bilateral it would most likely be spastic dysarthria. 


This test with 15 subtests assesses at both the sound/word level and sentence/discourse level and give the clinician crucial data for developing a diagnosis, while taking reading and writing abilities into consideration.

What is the TILLS? 


For aphasia treatment, the best restitution opportunities happen within blank months post-onset.

What is 6 months? 


This Type of tympanogram suggest significant negative pressure in the middle ear, caused by Eustachian dysfunction. 

What is Type C? 


Late language emergence or a "late" talker is defined as a child that is this old with less than 50 words in their expressive vocabulary.

What is 24 months (two years)? 


According to the simple view of reading, a child that displays good word reading abilities with poor comprehension abilities would be considered this. 

What are poor comprehenders? 


Lesions of the left posterior 1/3 of superior
temporal gyrus is associated with this classification of Aphasia. 

What is Wernicke's Aphasia? 


Type A tympanograms can correlate with two different diagnoses of hearing loss, depending on the audiogram. It can either be this or this. 

What is normal hearing or sensorineural hearing loss? 


The three stage AAC intervention for Disease progress include

 Early Phase: Monitor, Prepare and Support

Middle Phase: Access, Recommend, and Implement 

Late Phase: This and This 

What is Adapt and Accommodate? 


In order to calculate the masking needed in Air Condition, you have to add this + 15 dB. 

What is Air Conduction of the Non Test Ear? 


A style of language development with predictable stages that begins with production of multi-word forms and ends with production of novel utterances. 

What is Gestalt Language Acquisition? (processing)


Typically developing children need, on average, 27 trials or exposures to learn a new grammatical form (Eisenberg). Children with DLD need, on average in this range. 

What are 60-102 exposures (you get the point if you are within 10 points on either side). 


A patient with a left CVA is showing signs of lingual residue, this is due to the impairment of this cranial nerve. (please tell me if it UMN or LMN of the cranial nerve). 

What is hypoglossal cranial nerve (XII) UPPER motor neuron. 


Based on concerns with a child's literacy skills, you decide that assessments of word recognition and reading comprehension should also be administered. Assuming that she performs below the average range on both of those assessments, what subtype of reading disability would you say she has?

What is Mixed (poor-comprehender + dyslexia). 


Our goal for this patient would be to turn the nonsense “go-go" into meaningful communication. The purpose of this treatment would be for this patient to gain voluntary control of his stereotypic speech. This can be accomplished by using a restitutive technique called this. 

What is Voluntary Control of Involuntary Utterances (VCIU)? 
