Odysseus offers wine to this cruel monster as part of an escape plan.
This goddess disguises herself as Mentor, a young girl, and a shepherd among others throughout the epic.
Odysseus spends seven years with this beautiful nymph.
At the beginning of the epic, Telemachus is approximately this old.
20 years old
“I beyond all have had to suffer grief intolerable. So dear is he that I long for and never forget.”
The intoxicating fruit of this plant causes the men to lose all desire for home.
Seeks revenge for his son against Odysseus
After leaving this place of battle, the winds swept Odysseus off course to the city of the Cicones.
Odysseus and Telemachos are reunited in this faithful swineherd’s home.
“I loved him and cherished him, and did think I would make him immortal like myself”
Penelope and Telemachus complain that these men have slaughtered their livestock and drank their wine.
The suitors
This is the name Odysseus uses upon introducing himself to Polyphemus.
Nobody(no man)
Odysseus saves his ship from the detour of these temptresses by plugging his men’s ears with beeswax and having himself tied to the mast.
The sirens
Odysseus proves his identity to Penelope by knowing the secret behind this piece of furniture.
Their bed - olive tree
“But my heart breaks for Odysseus, That seasoned veteran cursed by fate so long – Far from his loved ones still, he suffers torments.”
When ships pass this monster, she swallows one sailor for each of her heads.
Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus when she sees this while washing his feet.
The scar on his leg
Within sight of Ithaca, Odysseus’s men force a detour by opening Aeolus’s bag containing this.
Winds (air)
This suitor was the first to die.
“Cry shame on us, fasten blame on us, that’s what you want to do! Blame us indeed! Your own mother is at fault!”
Despite Odysseus’s orders, his men feast on this on Thrinacia, ultimately bringing about their own deaths.
The cattle of the sun (Helios)
Hermes’s moly potion protects Odysseus from being turned into this creature by Circe.
Swine (pig)
Circe directs Odysseus to Hades, and tells him he must speak to this prophet to learn how to get home.
Penelope’s archery contest to find a new husband requires the men to fire arrows through this many axes.
12 axes
“Don’t bepraise death to me…I would rather be plowman to a yeoman farmer…than Lord Paramount in the kingdom of the dead.”