This country has the largest population in the world.
According to wikipedia the official projection for India is 1,413,340,000 and the official estimation for China is 1,408,280,000.
This planet is the closest to the sun.
This country sold Alaska to the United States
This is the proper name for a group of cows
a herd of cows (or cattle)
Lakes cover roughly 9% of the entire area of Canada. With an estimation of over 2 million lakes.
Animals that eat both plants and meat is known as an ....
This sauce is used for the breakfast dish eggs benedict
Hollandaise sauce
This ancient Greek god was known as the king of all gods.
This is the proper name for a group of fish
a school of fish
Said to have been ruled by Zeus, Mount Olympus is the tallest mountain in which country?
All sharks have this many bones.
A shark has a skeleton made of cartilage
- Cartilaginous skeletons are lighter than bone, which helps sharks stay buoyant.
This spicy cabbage dish originating from Korea is traditionally used as a topping for other meals and is made using fermentation.
This Ukrainian nuclear power plant had a nuclear disaster in April 1986.
This is the proper name for a group of ants
a colony of ants
This country is the smallest country in the world. it`s area is only 0.44km(2) and has a population of 882 people.
Vatican City
It became independent from Italy in 1929 with the Lateran Treaty, and is a distinct territory under "full ownership, exclusive dominion, and sovereign authority and jurisdiction" of the Holy See, which is itself a sovereign entity under international law, maintaining the city-state's temporal power, governance, diplomatic, and spiritual independence.
An eon is how many years?
1 billion years
This food is known to be the most stolen in the world.
cheese due to it`s value and relativley small size
This renaissance painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist painted the last supper.
This is the proper name for a group of crows
A murder of crows
This ancient city was the birthplace of democracy, the rule of the people (only men) at the time.
Athens, Greece.
the etymological origins of democracy in English and many other languages being traced back to the Greek words dêmos '(common) people' and krátos 'force/might'.
This man wrote ``the origin of species`` and formulated the theory of evolution
Charles Darwin
This is the only food that never expires.
The nectar from flowers mixes with enzymes inside the bees that extract it, which changes the nectar’s composition and breaks it down into simple sugars that are deposited into honeycombs. Fanning action from the bees’ wings and the enzymes from their stomachs create a liquid that is both highly acidic [PDF] and low in moisture—truly inhospitable digs for bacterial growth
This ancient Roman city was devastated by a volcanic eruption and subsequent pyrocaustic flow in 79 A.D.
Pompeii and also Hurculaneum
this is the proper name for a group of gorillas
A band or troop