I am here for Odysseus. He made me upset but then I asked my dad to forgive him.
Where is Odysseus' home?
I am Posiedon's son
I am part of Odysseus' crew. I am critical of Odysseus' choices. My team went to Circe's home first.
Who are the two family members awaiting Odysseus' arrival at his castle in Ithaca?
Penelope and Telemachus
I hate this man.
Where does Odysseus and his men land and eat a plant that keeps them in a trance?
Lotus Eaters
How long does Odysseus and his men stay on Circe's island?
1 year
How long is Odysseus away from home?
20 years
By the end of Part 1, how many survivors are there?
One, Odysseus
I am here to help...maybe. But, this is all Athena's idea. I just watch everything the mortals do.
How long is Odysseus with Calypso?
7-8 years
Where does Odysseus see his mother?
Hades / Land of the Dead
How Odysseus escape Polyphemus?
These two people provide Odysseus with prophecies for the future.
I am just here so I don't get smited. I deliver my information and mind my business.
What monster sucks down sea water into a black hole and then spits it back up?
Who does Homer call on to help him tell his story?
The Muses
I loved him and he loved me. He stayed with me for a year.
Where is Odysseus now at the end of Part 1?
He is at the home of King Alcinous in Phaecia.
What giant cannibals destroy at least half of Odysseus' ships?
Who are the people that Odysseus and his men plunder and took wives from?
The Cicones
What does Achilles tell Odysseus in the underworld?
He would rather be a poor peasant than the king of the dead. He let's Odysseus know that glory and honor is not worth being dead.