The parents of Oedipus are Jocasta and Laius. True or False?
What does Laius and Jocasta do to Oedipus to attempt to prevent their prophecy from coming true?
a) raise him
b)leave Oedipus to die as a baby at Mount Cithaeron.
c) give Oedipus to a shepherd to be raised
d) kill him
b)leave Oedipus to die as a baby at Mount Cithaeron.
Who is the previous king of Thebes?
Who is Laius.
Who solved the Sphinx's riddle?
a) Oedipus
b) Creon
c) Tiresias
d) Jocasta
Who is Oedipus.
What was so tragic about Laius's death?
He tried to kill Oedipus so that he could keep Thebes in prosperity.
Who was asked to leave Oedipus in Mount Cithaeron to die?
Who is the shepherd.
What was happening when Oedipus reigned over Thebes?
It is raining blood, the crops have died, and the children in the wombs of women are dying.
Who does Oedipus marry?
Who is Jocasta.
Who gives Oedipus several riddles which make him angry?
a) Creon
b) Jocasta
c) Laius
d) Tiresias
d) Tiresias.
What is the tragedy of Thebes?
The people of Thebes attempt to bring back into prosperity by quickly electing a new king but it only makes the status of Thebes worse.
Where does Oedipus go to find out who he was born from?
What is the Oracle of Delphi.
Who goes to the Oracle of Delphi to find a solution to the problem in Thebes?
Who is Creon.
Does Creon refuse to attempt to save Thebes? True or False
False, Creon goes to the Oracle of Delphi to find a way to save Thebes.
What was Laius's prophecy?
Laius's prophecy is that he is doomed to be killed by his son.
What does Oedipus hope he was as a child so that he could let go of his suspicion of himself being the killer of Laius?
What is a slave.
What is the reason Oedipus does not return to Corinth?
Oedipus did not want to kill his father and marry his mother as according to the prophecy.
What does Oedipus do to himself after he finds out what he has done?
Oedipus gouges his eyes with Jocasta's brooches.
Which character commits suicide at the end of the story?
Who is Jocasta.
Which sin is Oedipus committing when Tiresias says the riddle "I say that you and your most dearly loved Are wrapped together in a hideous sin, Blind to the horror of it"?
What is incest.
What is the tragic action that Oedipus doesn't want to stop doing near the end of the play?
a) Ruling over Thebes.
b) Oedipus doesn't want to let go of his daughters.
c) Believing he is actually a slave.
d)Attempting to kill Creon.
b)Oedipus doesn't want to let go of his daughters.
Why does Oedipus's feet have special marks on them?
b)Scars from the fight with Laius
c)His feet were riveted together so that he couldn't moved when he was a baby.
d)Having a Calluses on his feet from his travels.
c)His feet were riveted together so that he couldn't moved when he was a baby.
What does Oedipus ask Creon to let him do before he dies?
What is wander about Mount Cithaeron until he dies.
Who does Oedipus accuse of wanting the throne?
Who are Creon and Tiresias.
What was the final riddle given to Oedipus by Tiresias?
What is that Oedipus was born a fool while his parents were wise.