"Then I will start afresh, and once again shine light on darkness"
What is light/dark?
Tiresias' occupation is this.
What is sooth-sayer/prophet?
Jocasta's manner of death was this, and it touched on this motif.
What are hanging and death/murder/suicide?
This motif is said to be "controlled by the gods".
What is free will/fate?
"It does, but not for you. Truth is not in you for your ears, your mind, your eyes are blind!”
What is sight/blindness?
Tiresias' created a new prophecy which physically struck this character with this motif.
What are Oedipus and Sight/Blindness?
Jocasta did not believe in this, although her opinion seems to fluctuate throughout.
What are prophecies?
These motifs crossed over several times in Oedipus Rex, one said to be a quality of the other.
What are sight/blindness and light/dark?
"Apollo, Apollo fulfills"
What is free will/fate?
Tiresias displayed this type of irony, being a blind seer.
What is dramatic irony?
Jocasta was the victim of this prejudice throughout Oedipus Rex.
What is misogyny?
This 3-tiered motif affected every character, sometimes fulfilling another motif.
What is death/murder/suicide?