handsome, currency, flag
pohledný, měna, vlajka
He ate dinner ______ he wasn´t hungry.
Helen was bored/embarrassed/pleased that she had made such a mistake.
____ Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain.
Zero article
Don´t drop rubbish on the street, ______?
will you?
middle-aged, moustache, apperance, slim, thin
ve středním věku, knír, vzhled, štíhlý, hubený
We´ll stay here ______ he returns.
Kids can be a bit annoyed/ annoying when they as the same question again and again.
We practise three times _____ week.
A week.
Linda was ill last week, ______ ?
wasn´t she?
well-built, confident, irresponsible, impatient, noisy
dobře stavěný, sebevědomý, nezodpovědný, netrpělivý, hlučný
I went home early _________ I was feeling unwell.
Say the nouns for each of the adjectives using the suffixes (-y, -ness, -ment, -th, -ce, -tion):
important, excited, happy, true, relaxed, beautiful
importance, excitement, happiness, truth, relaxation, beauty
The Netherlands is ____ country that can be also called Holland.
A country
Bob and Bert will take their exams this year, ___?
won´t they?
disappointed, annoyed, protect sb/sth from
zklamaný, otrávený, chránit někoho/něco před někým/něčím
She went away. She didn´t tell anyone, ______.
government, Member of Parliament (MP), Prime Minister (PM), election, vote (for sb)
vláda, poslanec, předseda vlády, volba, hlasovat (pro někoho)
Which river flows through London?
THE Thames
Let´s go shopping, ________?
shall we?
pick up, sign up for, take up, keep in touch, succeed in (doing) sth
vyzvednout, zapsat se (do/na), začít (něco dělat) zůstat v kontaktu, uspět v (nějaké činnosti)
We played quite well. We lost the game. (in spite of)
In spite of playing quite well, we lost the game.
blame sb for sth, depend on sb (for sth) belive in sth
vinit někoho z něčeho, záviset na někom (kvůli něčenu), věřit v něco
Correct this sentence:
Seychelles are a group of islands in Indian Ocean.
THE Seychelles are a group of inslands in THE Indian Ocean.
Somebody paid the bill, _________?
didn´t they?