Literary Element
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Lennie kills a mouse; then he kills a puppy. The reader expect him to kill the things he likes to touch.
What is foreshadowing?
We're gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an' a cow and some pigs and--An live off the fatta the lan.
What is the American Dream?
Why did Lennie go to Crooks' room?
Lennie and Crooks were left behind when the other men visited town. Lennie saw Crooks' light on.
Lennie blames the it because he won't tend the rabbits.
What is the puppy?
What did Lennie ask George before George shot him?
George tells Lennie about their Dream, as Lennie looks across the river before this happens.
The American Dream is the idea that if people work hard, save their money, and do what is right, they will get want they want.
What is theme?
Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world.
What is lonliness?
What is the conflict between Lennie and Crooks?
Lennie thinks Crooks story of what might be true when when Crooks is 'supposing'
He doesn't seem sad, but bent on revenge.
What is Curley?
The men did this when they found the body of Curley's wife
What is form a mob and went in search of Lennie?
George faces this when he is deciding to kill Lennie or let him be caught.
What is conflict? (internal)
The treatment of Crooks.
What is racism?
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Crooks has seen hundreds of men with their dreams of owning land.Which causes him to say this to Lennie.
Who does Candy blame for the death of Curley's Wife?
What is Curley's Wife.
What type of conflict does Lennie's visions of the giant rabbit and Aunt Clara represent? Be as SPECIFIC as possible.
What is Man Vs. Self?
What is the mood of chapter 6? (How does it make the reader feel)
What is sad, depressing, somber, etc.
He says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural. Soon as he got back to Hollywood, he was gonna write to me about it.
What is the American Dream?
This unwanted guest joins the men in Crooks' room
What is Curley's Wife?
Who is the first person to find Curley's Wife?
What is Candy?
Why does George shoot Lennie?
Curley's death will be long and painful; living in a mental hospital will be full of torture.
What is ironic about Curley's reaction to his wife's death? (Consider the action's he wants to take)
He doesn't seem sad about her death, only wants revenge.
George trying to protect Lennie and eventually his mercy killing.
What is friendship?
Identify the speaker: 'You're nuts. I seen hundreds of men come by on the road an' on the ranches...and everyone of em's got a little piece of land in his head...and never one of 'em get's it.'
What is Crooks?
How does George lie to Candy?
He says he is going to wait in the bunkhouse to avoid suspicion, but he really is stealing Carlson's luger.
What do Lennie's visions of Aunt Clara and the rabbit represent?
What is his conscious?