Working With Words
Cutest Claims
Best Evidence Besties
Character Clues
Counterclaim Game
Incredible Interpretation

What does the word "derogatory" mean in the context of this sentence? 

Sarah overheard a group of girls making derogatory comments about her appearance, leaving her hurt and questioning her self-esteem.

insulting, offensive, rude, belitting


What are the three criteria for a strong claim? 

1. Complex

2. Debatable

3. Defensible


What is a citation, and where is it included? 

(Steinbeck 66), cites where the quote comes from the book

Always at the end of a quotation


Character that likes to pet soft things, such as animals or hair



What is the difference between a counterclaim and a rebuttal? 

A counterclaim is the opposing (opposite) viewpoint. 

A rebuttal is a response to the counterclaim, proving it weaker or incorrect. 


What are the three steps of interpretation? 

1. Zoom In

2. Zoon Out

3. Conclude


What does the word "morose" mean within the context of this sentence? 

The gloomy weather matched Sarah's morose mood as she sat alone, contemplating the recent setback in her life.

sullen, gloomy, somber


What is this claim missing? 

"Lennie kills Curley's wife because he panics." 

It isn't debatable. 

(would also take that it isn't complex)


What is the purpose of including context before a quotation? 

To give the reader an idea of what's happening in the book around the quotation

Character that is small/ short, used to be a boxer, hates big guys, has a wife that he doesn't trust



Which of these examples qualifies as a counterclaim?

Claim: George cares for Lennie like a big brother because he feels responsible for him. 

A. Some may argue that George didn't care for Lennie because he would insult him. 

B. Though it's true that George cares for Lennie, he still insults him. 

C. Nevertheless, George still cares for Lennie because he works hard to protect and provide for him. 

A. Some may argue that George didn't care for Lennie because he would insult him. 


Which sentence is the Zoom In of the interpretation? 

When the author uses the word "longingly," it means that the girl was pining for the boy. 

This word choice shows that, even though she doesn't show it, the girl does want the boy's affection. 

Therefore, it's clear that the girl loves the boy, and wants to be with him.  

The first sentence 


What does the word "brusque" mean within the context of this sentence? 

The receptionist's brusque response to the customer's question left the customer feeling unwelcome in the store. 

short, abrupt, curt


What is this claim missing? 

"Despite Lennie's intellectual disability separating him from others, Lennie isn't a monster." 

It isn't defensible. 


Explain the rule for punctuation when it comes to integrating best evidence. 

no punctuation at the end of the quote, move it to after the citation UNLESS it's an exclamation point or question mark


Character that is old, missing a hand, wants to be part of the dream, had an old dog



Explain the relationship between the counterclaim and the rebuttal. 

The counterclaim is the opposing viewpoint to the argument, and the rebuttal has to directly disprove the counterclaim by showing its weaknesses/ inconsistencies. 


What is this interpretation missing? 

This quote shows that the main hero was scared to face the dragon, but moved forward anyway. Therefore, it's clear that the hero overcame his fear to defeat the dragon. 

It's missing the Zoom In


What does the word "reprehensible" mean in the context of this sentence? 

The student's act of cheating on the exam was reprehensible, violating both the school's code of conduct and academic integrity.

shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable


What part of this claim makes it debatable? 

Part 1: School should go year-round... 

Part 2: ...only if states fund education more.  

Part 3: The benefits are that students statistically retain information better, burn out less often, and score higher on state exams.

Part 1


What formatting rules are wrong in this quotation? 

"‘I been mean, ain’t I?”’ (page 12).  

1. no context included

2. citation is incorrect, should be (Steinbeck 12). 


Character that used to work at a cat house, is lonely, insults/ flirts with the ranch hands, hates their husband

Curley's wife


What is the best rebuttal for this counterclaim? 

Counterclaim: An opposing view is that George didn't actually care for Lennie, because he constantly talks down to Lennie and insults him. 

A. Therefore, it's clear that George didn't actually care for Lennie. 

B. Nevertheless, George did care for Lennie. 

C. However, the evidence shows that George did actually care for Lennie because he goes out of his way to protect him and keep him out of trouble.

C. However, the evidence shows that George did actually care for Lennie because he goes out of his way to protect him and keep him out of trouble. 


What words from the quote would you use for the Zoom-in? 

Claim: Everyone knew that they boy had feelings for the girl because of his actions and words. 

When the girl walked by his lunch table, it says, "The boy stopped in the middle of his sentence and stared, following her every step. His friends just glanced at each other knowingly, but didn't tease him" (Author 20). 

"his friends glanced at each other knowingly"


What does the word "pugnacious" mean in the context of this sentence? 

Despite his small stature, the student was incredibly pugnacious in the hallway, relentlessly confronting other students by shoving them into lockers and staring them down. 

aggressive, combative, hostile


Write a claim for the following question: 

Was it right for Carlson to have killed Candy's dog? 

(should have a yes or no, a because, could have a qualifier, etc.)


Rewrite this quote into integration form. 

George and Lennie are camping. The book says: The red light dimmed on the coals. Page 16

When George and Lennie are camping, the text says, "The red light dimmed on the coals" (Steinbeck 16). 

Character that is skinny and tall, respected by all of the ranch hands, understands George and Lennie, helps George at the end of the book, "prince of the ranch" 



Write a counterclaim for this claim: 

Claim: Curley's wife was insulting toward the ranch hands because she looked down on them, and thought they were easy to manipulate. 

(should say something about that she was insulting for another reason, like lonliness)


Write the Zoom Out for this interpretation: 

When the author says that the teacher pauses and glares, it means that the teacher is waiting for the class to stop talking. 

Therefore, it's clear that the teacher has little patience for the chatty class at the end of the semester. 

(The answer should say something about her waiting on the class to stop talking would frustrate the teacher, causing her to lose patience)
