This is the town George and Lennie previously worked in
What is Weed?
Curley's wife is said by Candy to have this
What is "the eye"?
At the beginning of Chapter 3, these two men enter the bunkhouse, talking to each other
Who are Slim and George
"...a huge man, shapeless of face."
Who is Lennie?
"Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water..."
What is animal symbolism?
Why George and Lennie left Weed
What is Lennie grabbing a woman's dress?
This was the first person that George and Lennie talked to when they arrived at their new workplace
Who is Candy?
Slim uses the name of this bird in a derogatory manner to refer to Lennie
What is a cuckoo?
"Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose."
Who is George?
"On the sand banks the rabbits sat as quietly as little gray, sculptured stones."
What is a simile?
The time of day we observe George and Lennie walking single file down a path
What is evening?
The setting changes in Chapter 2 from being outside by the river to this building on the ranch
What is the bunkhouse?
When Carlson suggests again that Candy shoot his old, stinky dog, this is Candy's response and refusal
What is he has had his dog for too long?
"He pointed with his right arm, and out of the sleeve came a round stick-like wrist, but no hand
Who is Candy?
"George said, 'His name is Lennie Small.'"
What is irony?
George and Lennie would need these to show to their boss at their new job, but Lennie is worried that he has lost his
What are work cards?
The Boss is told by George his cousin Lennie was kicked in the head by a horse. He also tells this third lie
What is that George and Lennie were digging a cesspool in Weed?
Whit, one of the workers staying in the bunkhouse, is excited to show this to Slim
What is a magazine/article?
"His glance was at once calculating and pugnacious."
Who is Curley?
"I got my eye on you..."
What is an idiom/figure of speech?
George and Lennie's plan if things go wrong at the ranch
What is meet back at their campsite by the river?
This is the job George and Lennie have been hired to do on the ranch
What is move bags of grain/barley?
When George says, "We're gonna stick aroun' a while. Me an' Lennie's gonna roll up a stake." he means this
What is save up some money?
"His hands, large and lean, were as delicate as a temple dancer."
Who is Slim?
The mention of rabbits on pages 4, 14 and 16 could be considered an example of this literary device
What is a motif/repetition?