Who shoots Candy's dog and why?
Carlson; because it smelled bad and because it wasn't useful any more
Why do George and Lennie leave Weed?
Lennie upset a girl by touching her dress because it was soft.
"I ought to of shot that dog myself."
What is one possession that Crooks has a lot of (because he has a lot of alone time)?
What are George's and Lennie's last names?
Milton and Small
"That bus driver gave us a bum steer, sir. We hadda walk ten miles."
Why did the Boss give Candy $250 at one point?
Because he got his hand caught in a machine.
How did Crooks get his name?
He has a crooked back.
In what state does the novel take place?
What does Curley's wife tell Lennie that her dream job was (that she wishes she pursued)?
"A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody.. I tell ya, a guy gets lonely and he gets sick.."
Why does Crooks change his mind about joining George, Lennie, and Candy on their dream farm?
Curley's wife threatened him and reminded him how poorly some white people treated black people.
Who checks the dead body of Curley's wife for vital signs?
At the end of the novel, Lennie has two hallucinations who speak to him. Who/what were they?
His Aunt Clara and a giant rabbit
"If I catch any one man and, and he's alone, I get along fine with him. But just let two of the guys get together, and you won't talk."
In the novel, Lennie is described as a terrier, a horse, a bull, and what other very large animal?
A bear
Besides Lennie, who is the first person to realize that Curley's wife is dead?
What is the EXACT year that the novel takes place? We said it in class a lot.
The structure of the novel is similar to (which one): a letter, an article, a play, or a diary?
Play: because people take turns speaking
Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin' those two guys?
What special outfit component do both Curley and the Boss (his father) wear around the ranch, and why do they wear it (to get what message across)?
High-heeled boots; to remind everyone that they are not lowly working men (they are better than them)