What is George's relationship with Lennie?
He's like a caretaker.
Who kills Lennie?
He's very controlling
Define contemplate
Lennie hesitated, backed away, looked wildly at the brush line as though he contemplated running for his freedom.
What does Lennie like to pet?
Things that are soft. Mice, dogs, soft dresses.
This is Curley's excuse for what happened to his hand
What is "got caught in a machine?"
Define "drone"
Lennie droned to himself softly, “I ain’t gonna say nothin’ .
What is to talk in a monotonous voice?
George and Lennie's dream is to do this
What is "live off the fatta the lan'"
How does Lennie's size affect his actions?
What is he is stronger than he is able to control
This character remains unnamed throughout the text
Define "lumbered"
Lennie lumbered to his feet and disappeared in the brush.
Move heavily or clumsily
How does George change throughout the novel?
He lets go of Lennie.
What role does Curley's wife play in the novel?
What is the catalyst for the climax.
Define "occupant"
Over each bunk there was nailed an apple box with the opening forward so that it made two shelves for the personal belongings of the occupant of the bunk.
Someone who lives at a particular place for a long period.
What are some things that may have happened to Lennie's aunt?
It leads him to violence easily.
Define scourge
“Says ‘positively kills lice, roaches and other scourges.’
Something that causes misery or death; a vermin