What do Lennie and Candy's dog have in common?
They were both loyal companions and shot with the same gun
"Tonight I'm gonna lay right here and look up. I like it."
Who is George
What is Lennie’s obsession?
What is petting soft things (rabbits)
"I don't like this place. It ain't no good. I wanna get outta here."
Who is Lennie
How does Steinbeck portray loneliness in the novel?
Who are the lonely four - Crooks, Candy, Curley's wife and Lennie
"This ole dog jus suffers hisself all the time. If you was to take him out and shoot him right in the back o the head (he leaned over and pointed) right there, why he'd never know what hit em."
Who is Carlson
Where was Crooks from?
What is California
"I s'pose you're glad. Ever'body knowed you'd mess things up. You wasn't no good. You ain't no good now, you lousy tart."
Who is Candy
How long had Curley and his wife been married?
What is two weeks
"They left all the weak ones here," Think I don't know where they all went? I know where they all went."
Who is Curley's wife
How is Slim portrayed through the novel (term)?
What is sympathetic