This character is flirtatious, and seeks attention from other men
Curley's wife
Symbolizing the theme of loneliness, George plays this card game
Of Mice & Men was set during this time period in U.S. history
Great Depression/Dustbowl
What was Lennie's first kill?
Mr. Caldwell currently goes to grad school at which college?
Slippery Rock
This character is viewed as old, disabled, and feels useless and diminishing
Lennie wants to do this job once he and George get the dream ranch
Tend the rabbits
What was the name of the "homes" people made out of scraps called? (This was an option in your LIFE charts)
Why did George & Lennie flee Weed?
Lennie grabbed a girl's dress, causing an uproar
What exhibit did Mr. Caldwell fall into at the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium when he was 15? (hint: I've used this question before)
This character lives alone on account of segregation
How did the fight between Lennie and Curley end?
Curley gets his hand crushed by Lennie
The author of Of Mice & Men
John Steinbeck
Before they get to the ranch, George tells Lennie to do this if he ever gets into trouble...
Hide in the brush down by the river
What is the name of the animal-themed paper plates Mr. Caldwell said he used to eat off of during his childhood?
This character on the ranch is a quiet, wise man who commands respect
What does Slim have that Lennie wants?
A puppy
When talking with Slim, George explains this reason for why he changed the way he treated Lennie
Lennie almost died (drowned) trying to stay "loyal" to George, who was making fun of him
Before the events of the book, George promised this person he would look after Lennie
What is Mr. Caldwell's Harry Potter house?
This character shoots Candy's dog; a ranch worker who owns a Luger
This quote deals with what theme from the book:
Crooks telling Lennie, “A guy needs somebody - to be near him. A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody.”
The day the stock market was called what name?
Black Tuesday
Curley's wife wanted to do this career, but couldn't, and married Curley
Movie Star
Describe how Mr. Caldwell takes/makes his coffee