Main Ideas
Major/Minor Details
Vocabulary in Context

What did the white people think about John going to college in the north? (Paragraph 5)

They thought he would waste his time. Also, they did not want him to be educated.


Where is John Jones from? Name the town and state.

Altamaha, Georgia.


“Tall and black. They move slowly, like ghosts against the light of sunset. Perhaps they are ghosts here.” (Paragraph 1)

What does “ghosts” mean?

Whites did not care or did not think African Americans were important.


Who is John Jones?

He is the main character of the story. He is an African American man from Georgia. 


Make an inference: Based on Jennie's reaction towards white John, why did she run away from him? How is this connected to American history?

She was afraid that he might assault her or take advantage of her because she is black. During this time period, whites had control, and blacks did not have a lot of rights. If he would have hurt her, he could have gone away with it because he was white.


Why do John’s teachers tell him that he must leave the Institute? What is he like when he returns to college? (Paragraphs 8 and 10)

He was late to class and did not complete his class work.

When he came back, he took his education seriously. He realized that his education is an important opportunity for him.


What is the name of the school John attended in the North?

Wells Institute, a college for African Americans.


“We’re friendly, but we don’t spoil them, there.” (Paragraph 17)

What does “spoil” mean?

To destroy or ruin a person.


Who is Jennie?

She is John Jones’ younger sister. She works in a kitchen, in the home of the Judge.


Make an inference: Based on the story, what is the main reason why African Americans were looked down upon and had little to no opportunities in the South.

The South had a set of laws that discriminated against African Americans. These laws are called Jim Crow laws.


What does the usher say to John about leaving his seat? What was the purpose of the usher speaking to John? (Paragraphs 18-21)

The usher said they gave him the wrong seat.

They wanted him to leave because he was a black man.


Why did whites "shook their heads in wonder when his mother sent him north to college,". (Paragraph 3)

They believe that college would spoil (destroy) him. They want him to be uneducated because he could learn about freedom and equality in school.


“Because he felt like a ghost in their world, he spent long hours worrying about the color line.” (Paragraph 11)

What does “color line“ mean?

Segregation/discrimination placed on African Americans.


Who is the other John in the story?

He is a white man who grew up in Georgia. His childhood friend was John Jones. His father is the Judge. He went away to college at Princeton University In the North. He was killed by John Jones.


"He seems rather serious," said the minister of the church."Or too proud for us? his neighbored wondered." (Paragraph 25) What does "proud" mean in this sentence?

Because John received an education in the North, they believe that he may be too smart or better than them. Black southerners had little to no education during this time.


Is the Judge happy that John wants to teach in a school for black children? Why or why not? (Paragraphs 35-38)

The Judge was not happy.

He did not want John to educate African American children.


John "wondered about living in that small town." (Paragraph 12) What small town is he referring to? Why did he say this?

He is talking about his hometown, Altamaha, Georgia. He did not think he could find work in the South after college.


”But the white mailman, passing by, said, ’The fool black boy went north and got full of foolish ideas. But they won’t work in Altamaha.’” (Paragraph 25)

What does “foolish” mean?

Education or ideas John learned in school. He learned about equality and freedom.


Who is the author of this story? State three facts about the author.

W.E.B. Du Bois. He was born in Massachusetts; He went to college in Nashville, Tennessee and Berlin, Germany; He earned his Ph.D. In Cambridge, Massachusetts; He taught at Atlanta University in Georgia; He lived and worked in New York City; He died in Ghana, Africa.  


Make a prediction: What will happen to the black children after the Judge closed down their school? (Paragraph 48) Will they continue to seek an education?

The black children are likely not going to attend school. They have been taught, at a young age, that education was not for them. Also, there was a lack of educational opportunities for them in the South.


Why does John say to his mother, “Yes, mammy, I’m going ... North”? (Paragraph 56)

John felt that staying in the South would prevent him from pursuing opportunities. In the North, he may have a chance at getting a job. Because he knows he will be killed, the only way to experience freedom will be through death.


 "I knew your father, John. He belong to my brother. He was a good black. Will you be like him?"(Paragraph 37) Who said this quote? What does the quote mean?

The Judge said this quote to John. He said that John's father was, possibly, a servant for the Judge's brother. He made it seem like his father was his brother's property. The Judge wants John to behave in the same way like his father, uneducated and controlled by whites.


“After he left, his people kept saying proudly, ’When John comes...’ So many things would happen when John came home.”

What does “When John comes” mean?

John would bring what he learned in school back home. His education can bring change (more education, equality, etc.) to the South.


Name three facts about the Judge (who he is and what he has done).

He is John’s father (white John); He helped John Jones’ family; He did not approve of John opening a school for black children; He wanted blacks to work and not be educated; Jennie worked for him.


Make a prediction & inference: Explain what will happen after the men reach John (Paragraph 57). Based on American history, why did this incident happen?

The men will kill John because he injured/killed white John. In American history, an African American injuring/murdering a white person was seen as the worst type of crime committed. Whites were able to commit crimes against blacks if a black person did something wrong to someone who was white.
